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  • Both Christians and Muslims have been making jokes about the Lord’s Chosen church for days now. Nobody is threatning to cutt another person’s head and we are all enjoying the cruise
    Let’s maintain same energy when the joke goes the other way round. Ire oo
    Both Christians and Muslims have been making jokes about the Lord’s Chosen church for days now. Nobody is threatning to cutt another person’s head and we are all enjoying the cruise Let’s maintain same energy when the joke goes the other way round. Ire oo
  • Who Will Make Heaven?

    One of the most prominent delusions in religion and misconceptions of faith ever is the belief that only Christians will make heaven, enter paradise, or be granted existence in God's Kingdom. Nothing in Scripture or the Bible says that. Absolutely nothing. Yeshua (Jesus) never said that. He also never wrote a book. What we have are reported accounts of Him from other people, the earliest of which were written 65 years after He left this world.

    Though they are styled as the Gospel according to Matthew, Mark and John, and the historical account of Luke, who was not an eyewitness, the truth is that apart from Mark and Luke, we do not know who wrote these accounts. As for the most reliable Gospel, which is the Gospel according to Mark, the present book of Mark is actually not the original book of Mark. The earliest manuscripts of the Gospel according to Mark end in Mark 16:8. Please fact-check me.
    Who Will Make Heaven? One of the most prominent delusions in religion and misconceptions of faith ever is the belief that only Christians will make heaven, enter paradise, or be granted existence in God's Kingdom. Nothing in Scripture or the Bible says that. Absolutely nothing. Yeshua (Jesus) never said that. He also never wrote a book. What we have are reported accounts of Him from other people, the earliest of which were written 65 years after He left this world. Though they are styled as the Gospel according to Matthew, Mark and John, and the historical account of Luke, who was not an eyewitness, the truth is that apart from Mark and Luke, we do not know who wrote these accounts. As for the most reliable Gospel, which is the Gospel according to Mark, the present book of Mark is actually not the original book of Mark. The earliest manuscripts of the Gospel according to Mark end in Mark 16:8. Please fact-check me.
  • A herbalist is not a witch doctor. There is nothing demonic about herbalism. Even in heaven, plants are used for healing-Revelations 22:2. Africans should not denounce herbalism because of Islam or Christianity. There is hardly any disease that herbs cannot cure.

    Read Genesis 1:29. God created man to eat herbs. Most sickness on Earth occurs because we have shifted from this divine diet to eating all kinds of orishirishi foods that put pressure on our bodies. Herbalism restores the sacred balance in your body by resetting you to your factory setting. Prophets in Scripture regularly practiced herbalism 2 Kings 4:39. African herbalism is not evil. Embrace it.

    If you have ever had malaria and taken herbs as a remedy, or had psoriasis, eczema, or other skin problems and used ose dudu (AKA dudu osun), you would never call herbalism evil. African herbs are potent. They form the basic foundation of modern pharmaceuticals
    A herbalist is not a witch doctor. There is nothing demonic about herbalism. Even in heaven, plants are used for healing-Revelations 22:2. Africans should not denounce herbalism because of Islam or Christianity. There is hardly any disease that herbs cannot cure. Read Genesis 1:29. God created man to eat herbs. Most sickness on Earth occurs because we have shifted from this divine diet to eating all kinds of orishirishi foods that put pressure on our bodies. Herbalism restores the sacred balance in your body by resetting you to your factory setting. Prophets in Scripture regularly practiced herbalism 2 Kings 4:39. African herbalism is not evil. Embrace it. If you have ever had malaria and taken herbs as a remedy, or had psoriasis, eczema, or other skin problems and used ose dudu (AKA dudu osun), you would never call herbalism evil. African herbs are potent. They form the basic foundation of modern pharmaceuticals
  • “ These people are making fun of Christianity .It has to stop “ VeryDarkman

    “I’ll write a petition to the Christian Association of Nigeria . Some of these people need to stop . They make people laugh at Christian’s with their actions . I believe in God and I don’t like it when people make mockery of him “Verydarkman

    Moral lesson : Honestly these people are making people laugh at Christians
    “ These people are making fun of Christianity .It has to stop “ VeryDarkman “I’ll write a petition to the Christian Association of Nigeria . Some of these people need to stop . They make people laugh at Christian’s with their actions . I believe in God and I don’t like it when people make mockery of him “Verydarkman Moral lesson : Honestly these people are making people laugh at Christians
  • “ These people are making fun of Christianity .It has to stop “ VeryDarkman

    “I’ll write a petition to the Christian Association of Nigeria . Some of these people need to stop . They make people laugh at Christian’s with their actions . I believe in God and I don’t like it when people make mockery of him “Verydarkman
    “ These people are making fun of Christianity .It has to stop “ VeryDarkman “I’ll write a petition to the Christian Association of Nigeria . Some of these people need to stop . They make people laugh at Christian’s with their actions . I believe in God and I don’t like it when people make mockery of him “Verydarkman
  • Nothing can stop me from been a Christian
    Nothing can stop me from been a Christian
  • Badagry Tourist Sites

    First Storey Building in Nigeria, – constructed by the CMS [Anglican Mission] in 1845
    Ologe Forest Reserve, Ologe, Ilogbo, off Badagry Expressway
    Relics of Slave Trade, Badagry-Mobee Compound, Seriki Abass Slave Barraccoon [1847]; Boeko, Boekoh Quarters, Vlekete Slave Market, Posukoh Quarters – Badagry where the Lander Brothers were tried in 1825
    Palace of De Wheno Aholu King Menu Toyi 1, Akran of Badagry, Jegba Quarters
    Agia Cenotaph, Badagry – site where Christianity was first preached in Nigeria in 1842
    Nigeria – Benin Republic International Border, Seme, Badagry
    Badagry Tourist Sites First Storey Building in Nigeria, – constructed by the CMS [Anglican Mission] in 1845 Ologe Forest Reserve, Ologe, Ilogbo, off Badagry Expressway Relics of Slave Trade, Badagry-Mobee Compound, Seriki Abass Slave Barraccoon [1847]; Boeko, Boekoh Quarters, Vlekete Slave Market, Posukoh Quarters – Badagry where the Lander Brothers were tried in 1825 Palace of De Wheno Aholu [King] Menu Toyi 1, Akran of Badagry, Jegba Quarters Agia Cenotaph, Badagry – site where Christianity was first preached in Nigeria in 1842 Nigeria – Benin Republic International Border, Seme, Badagry
  • Rise your eyes to the heaven oh Christians.
    Rise your eyes to the heaven oh Christians.
  • My favorite designer is Christian Lacroix, not just because his clothes are amazing and I love them, but because he's so nice. When I did his fashion show, he was the first one to arrive there and he helped everyone.
    My favorite designer is Christian Lacroix, not just because his clothes are amazing and I love them, but because he's so nice. When I did his fashion show, he was the first one to arrive there and he helped everyone.
  • There is something some of you are missing about Fufeyin. That guy is babalawo! He is only hiding behind Christianity which in turn makes him a fake Pastor and a fake Babalawo!
    There is something some of you are missing about Fufeyin. That guy is babalawo! He is only hiding behind Christianity which in turn makes him a fake Pastor and a fake Babalawo!
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