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  • Laugh jhoor

    1. Bënz of #8 Milliøn‚ I säy make I deposït #2‚000 fïrst‚ you con dey frøwn façe...
    E be likë say you nø wan sëll

    2. Becausë we mēt at a funeräl you nøw savë my numbër as “burïal boy”!
    Your papä na undërtaker... Nønsense

    3. You wïll seë a hüngry fän sayïng we bøught Ronaldø for 15O milliøn poünds

    4. I get sënse‚ I get sënse. Smäll pikin givë you assignmënt‚ you säy quëstion no correçt.
    My brother feär God oo

    5. Welcomë to Nïgeria‚
    They wïll be likë: “I wïll keëp you in my prayers” but they don’t evën pray...!

    6. Maths teaçhers wïll teaçh you additiøn‚ givë subtractiøn for cläss wørk‚ multiplicatiøn for homë wørk‚ divisiøn for cläss tëst then quadratiç equatiøn durïng ëxams

    7. You won’t knøw how brøkë you arë untïl the bänk managër çalls you to äsk if you are stïll alïve

    8.Imagine buying phone for your sister then her boyfriend sizes it
    What will you do as a guy🏾‍♂️

    9. “When visitïng a siçk persøn”
    Ameriçans: Get wëll soon deär
    Britïsh: Speēdy recovëry niggä
    Nïgerians: Chai !‚ Na thïs kïnd sicknëss kïll Favour oo

    10. If a wøman løoks at you while she’s sïlent and suddënly säy... “Hmmmm”🙆 be cäreful‚ she’s discussïng with satän aboüt your casë

    11. *You thïnk you arë doïng me “But you are doïng yourself”* if your Mom haven’t tøld you suçh words‚ you are adoptëd

    12. Untïl you are askëd to mäke a sentencë with “ME” that’s whën you wïll knøw Englïsh is nøt your møther’s languagë.

    13. The ønly twø drëams thät çome truë in Afriça... Bëd wettïng and a witçh squeezïng your neçk in the nïght

    14. My mum askëd my gïrlfriend if she can çook and she repliëd bøldly “mama I cookëd the teä we dränk thïs mornïng”
    Favour abeg leave

    15.Some girls don't fixed nails for fashion, they fixed it to scratch yansh.. favor i lie?

    16. You are trying to go without reacting heaven is far from you
    Laugh jhoor 😂😂 1. Bënz of #8 Milliøn‚ I säy make I deposït #2‚000 fïrst‚ you con dey frøwn façe... E be likë say you nø wan sëll 😒😂 2. Becausë we mēt at a funeräl you nøw savë my numbër as “burïal boy”! Your papä na undërtaker... Nønsense 🙄😂 3. You wïll seë a hüngry fän sayïng we bøught Ronaldø for 15O milliøn poünds 😂 4. I get sënse‚ I get sënse. Smäll pikin givë you assignmënt‚ you säy quëstion no correçt. My brother feär God oo 😂 5. Welcomë to Nïgeria‚ They wïll be likë: “I wïll keëp you in my prayers” but they don’t evën pray...! 🙄😂 6. Maths teaçhers wïll teaçh you additiøn‚ givë subtractiøn for cläss wørk‚ multiplicatiøn for homë wørk‚ divisiøn for cläss tëst then quadratiç equatiøn durïng ëxams 🙆😂 7. You won’t knøw how brøkë you arë untïl the bänk managër çalls you to äsk if you are stïll alïve 😳😂 8.Imagine buying phone for your sister then her boyfriend sizes it What will you do as a guy🙆🏾‍♂️ 9. “When visitïng a siçk persøn” Ameriçans: Get wëll soon deär Britïsh: Speēdy recovëry niggä Nïgerians: Chai !‚ Na thïs kïnd sicknëss kïll Favour oo 😂 10. If a wøman løoks at you while she’s sïlent and suddënly säy... “Hmmmm”🙆 be cäreful‚ she’s discussïng with satän aboüt your casë 😂 11. *You thïnk you arë doïng me “But you are doïng yourself”* if your Mom haven’t tøld you suçh words‚ you are adoptëd 😂 12. Untïl you are askëd to mäke a sentencë with “ME” that’s whën you wïll knøw Englïsh is nøt your møther’s languagë. 😏😂 13. The ønly twø drëams thät çome truë in Afriça... Bëd wettïng and a witçh squeezïng your neçk in the nïght 🥲😂 14. My mum askëd my gïrlfriend if she can çook and she repliëd bøldly “mama I cookëd the teä we dränk thïs mornïng”😳 Favour abeg leave 😂 15.Some girls don't fixed nails for fashion, they fixed it to scratch yansh.. favor i lie?🤣🤣🤣 16. You are trying to go without reacting 🙄 heaven is far from you 😏🤦‍♂️ #follow