Upgrade to Pro

You are given 24 hours in a day by God. You can't complain that it is insufficient, because nobody will provide you with more hours in the day. Therefore, you are compelled to make the best of your day. In the same way, when you realise that nobody will give you any miracle money, you will be forced to make the best use of the money you have. It is a mindset. Once you tune into it, how you handle money will forever change and improve.
You are given 24 hours in a day by God. You can't complain that it is insufficient, because nobody will provide you with more hours in the day. Therefore, you are compelled to make the best of your day. In the same way, when you realise that nobody will give you any miracle money, you will be forced to make the best use of the money you have. It is a mindset. Once you tune into it, how you handle money will forever change and improve.