Upgrade to Pro

If you don't learn the lesson that life is trying to teach you, the lesson will keep reoccurring in cycles until you grasp the teaching and gain the wisdom it wants to impart to you. If the same thing keeps happening to you, look inward. Introspect. What life lesson have you been ignoring? The answer to that is the solution to your travail. In school, you would not get promoted from one class to the next level if you did not pass your exams. In life, you are not promoted from one socioeconomic class to the next if you do not learn the life lessons being taught to you by providence. The only way to grow in wealth is to first develop in knowledge and application of it. If you bypass this process, whatever progress you think you have made will turn to retrogress.
If you don't learn the lesson that life is trying to teach you, the lesson will keep reoccurring in cycles until you grasp the teaching and gain the wisdom it wants to impart to you. If the same thing keeps happening to you, look inward. Introspect. What life lesson have you been ignoring? The answer to that is the solution to your travail. In school, you would not get promoted from one class to the next level if you did not pass your exams. In life, you are not promoted from one socioeconomic class to the next if you do not learn the life lessons being taught to you by providence. The only way to grow in wealth is to first develop in knowledge and application of it. If you bypass this process, whatever progress you think you have made will turn to retrogress.