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Wealth operates like WiFi. The closer you are to a WiFi signal, the stronger your connection speed will be. And the closer you are to wealthy people, the more likely you are to get rich as well. Associating with prosperous people helps you study their habits. And money does not fall from heaven. It is your daily habits that either attract or repel money from you. And you subconsciously pick up several money-repelling habits if you grew up around poor people and poverty-stricken neighbourhoods. By associating with the rich, you will pick up new habits that will neutralise the defects in your upbringing that keep you poor.
Wealth operates like WiFi. The closer you are to a WiFi signal, the stronger your connection speed will be. And the closer you are to wealthy people, the more likely you are to get rich as well. Associating with prosperous people helps you study their habits. And money does not fall from heaven. It is your daily habits that either attract or repel money from you. And you subconsciously pick up several money-repelling habits if you grew up around poor people and poverty-stricken neighbourhoods. By associating with the rich, you will pick up new habits that will neutralise the defects in your upbringing that keep you poor.