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Make your home a love nest as a wife. Make it a sacristy of peace. Create a welcoming ambience. You do not need kayan mata or any love potion. When you create an issue of peace, calm and harmony in your home, married love will be your portion. Your husband will be eager to come home. And guess what? He will submit to you. That is where your soft power lies. When you submit to him and create an atmosphere without fear, your husband will eat out of your hands. Use your soft power as a woman to tower over your husband's power lovingly. 
Make your home a love nest as a wife. Make it a sacristy of peace. Create a welcoming ambience. You do not need kayan mata or any love potion. When you create an issue of peace, calm and harmony in your home, married love will be your portion. Your husband will be eager to come home. And guess what? He will submit to you. That is where your soft power lies. When you submit to him and create an atmosphere without fear, your husband will eat out of your hands. Use your soft power as a woman to tower over your husband's power lovingly.