Upgrade to Pro

Don't just pray for opportunities. Also, pray, and prepare yourself for the discipline and judgment required to utilise the opportunities God will bring your way. If you do not do this, the opportunities you pray for will be the importunities that will prey on you. The only obstacle to your altitude in life is your attitude in life. Clean up your thought life. Irrespective of what you see, think and say what you want to see. By such preparations you will prepare yourself for the manifestations of your expectations.
Don't just pray for opportunities. Also, pray, and prepare yourself for the discipline and judgment required to utilise the opportunities God will bring your way. If you do not do this, the opportunities you pray for will be the importunities that will prey on you. The only obstacle to your altitude in life is your attitude in life. Clean up your thought life. Irrespective of what you see, think and say what you want to see. By such preparations you will prepare yourself for the manifestations of your expectations.