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When a born-again Christian tries to overcome the constant attacks of family deities with prayers and cut ties of any form with it, he or she must be holy and avoid places filled with dirty spirits like beer parlours, clubs etc which are breeding grounds of demonic and spiritual attacks. Family deities have no power over a genuine born-again Christian. They will completely stay away from a genuine born-again Christian because he's a new creature in Christ. If you succeed in subduing any family deity through prayer try not to sin again if not worse attacks will come upon you.
When a born-again Christian tries to overcome the constant attacks of family deities with prayers and cut ties of any form with it, he or she must be holy and avoid places filled with dirty spirits like beer parlours, clubs etc which are breeding grounds of demonic and spiritual attacks. Family deities have no power over a genuine born-again Christian. They will completely stay away from a genuine born-again Christian because he's a new creature in Christ. If you succeed in subduing any family deity through prayer try not to sin again if not worse attacks will come upon you.