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When you bleed in water, sharks don't feel sorry for you. Rather they feel hungry to eat you. Social media is like water. Most people online are like sharks. Stop telling them about your problems. It does not make them sympathise with you. It excites them and makes them even want to take advantage of your weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Your problems give them joy, and your joy gives them problems. When you feel down, don't come online to vent. Instead, go to your closet to pray!
When you bleed in water, sharks don't feel sorry for you. Rather they feel hungry to eat you. Social media is like water. Most people online are like sharks. Stop telling them about your problems. It does not make them sympathise with you. It excites them and makes them even want to take advantage of your weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Your problems give them joy, and your joy gives them problems. When you feel down, don't come online to vent. Instead, go to your closet to pray!