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The road to the Build Trap is paved with product problems
The build trap is when organizations focus more on shipping and developing features rather than on the actual value those things produce. — Melissa Perri, Escaping the Build Trap

This was hardly the only time that a customer’s first stab at a problem statement ended up defining a product problem. In fact, the majority of initial problem statements I see are some twist on “we want to add this feature, can you help us define it.”
The road to the Build Trap is paved with product problems The build trap is when organizations focus more on shipping and developing features rather than on the actual value those things produce. — Melissa Perri, Escaping the Build Trap This was hardly the only time that a customer’s first stab at a problem statement ended up defining a product problem. In fact, the majority of initial problem statements I see are some twist on “we want to add this feature, can you help us define it.”