Upgrade to Pro

Because the team was told “build a tracker” by their stakeholder, “users want a tracker” became the animating principle behind the team’s efforts. Other mandates you’ve likely seen pop up in the news include “users want a chatbot,” “users want a dashboard” or “users want a subscription to their mouse.”

Fundamentally, the question all these teams are asking is not “what needs do our customers have?” but “What features is this product missing?”
Because the team was told “build a tracker” by their stakeholder, “users want a tracker” became the animating principle behind the team’s efforts. Other mandates you’ve likely seen pop up in the news include “users want a chatbot,” “users want a dashboard” or “users want a subscription to their mouse.” Fundamentally, the question all these teams are asking is not “what needs do our customers have?” but “What features is this product missing?”