TINUBU is a terrible Pr£sident ~ Female NYSC corp member claims.
The question here is Atanda, has she committed any cri'me with that statement or go agai'nst the NYSC bye laws?
Let's look at the statement closely and see if it contains any element of D£famation
What is D£famation:
This is when you say something to damage the reputation of someone
In Nigeria, D£famation can be Cri'minal and civil at the same time.
Without emotions, calling Tinubu a terrible Pr£sident is as good as damaging his reputation as an individual and the 0ffice he represent, considering the complains she made before the statement.
But section 308 of the 1999 c0nstitution gives immunity to the Pr£sident, meaning that no one can su£ the Pr£sident while in 0ffice and the Pr£sident too can't su£ anyone [Tinubu V. I.M.B Securities (2001) 16 NWLR (Pt.740) 670, and G.E.C V. Donald Duke (2007) 16 NWLR (Pt. 1059) 22.]
So, the Pr£sident can't institute any L£gal action aga'inst this lady for now until he steps down.
So on this part, she is safe for now.
Now let's go to the NYSC part
Has she gone against any of the NYSC Bye Laws?
No. The NYSC bylaws cannot preclude her from exercising her fundam£ntal human ri'ght to freedom of expression, enshrined in S£ction 39 (1) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended).
The R£strictions on the right to freedom of expression contained in Section 39 (3) (a) and (b) of the C0nstitution are inapplicable to her. In view of S£ction 1 (1) and (3) of the C0nstitution, the NYSC bylaws is therefore null and void for being inconsistent with S£ction 39 (1) of the C0nstitution.
Let me continue the rest in the c0mments section
The question here is Atanda, has she committed any cri'me with that statement or go agai'nst the NYSC bye laws?
Let's look at the statement closely and see if it contains any element of D£famation
What is D£famation:
This is when you say something to damage the reputation of someone
In Nigeria, D£famation can be Cri'minal and civil at the same time.
Without emotions, calling Tinubu a terrible Pr£sident is as good as damaging his reputation as an individual and the 0ffice he represent, considering the complains she made before the statement.
But section 308 of the 1999 c0nstitution gives immunity to the Pr£sident, meaning that no one can su£ the Pr£sident while in 0ffice and the Pr£sident too can't su£ anyone [Tinubu V. I.M.B Securities (2001) 16 NWLR (Pt.740) 670, and G.E.C V. Donald Duke (2007) 16 NWLR (Pt. 1059) 22.]
So, the Pr£sident can't institute any L£gal action aga'inst this lady for now until he steps down.
So on this part, she is safe for now.
Now let's go to the NYSC part
Has she gone against any of the NYSC Bye Laws?
No. The NYSC bylaws cannot preclude her from exercising her fundam£ntal human ri'ght to freedom of expression, enshrined in S£ction 39 (1) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended).
The R£strictions on the right to freedom of expression contained in Section 39 (3) (a) and (b) of the C0nstitution are inapplicable to her. In view of S£ction 1 (1) and (3) of the C0nstitution, the NYSC bylaws is therefore null and void for being inconsistent with S£ction 39 (1) of the C0nstitution.
Let me continue the rest in the c0mments section
TINUBU is a terrible Pr£sident ~ Female NYSC corp member claims.
The question here is Atanda, has she committed any cri'me with that statement or go agai'nst the NYSC bye laws?
Let's look at the statement closely and see if it contains any element of D£famation
What is D£famation:
This is when you say something to damage the reputation of someone
In Nigeria, D£famation can be Cri'minal and civil at the same time.
Without emotions, calling Tinubu a terrible Pr£sident is as good as damaging his reputation as an individual and the 0ffice he represent, considering the complains she made before the statement.
But section 308 of the 1999 c0nstitution gives immunity to the Pr£sident, meaning that no one can su£ the Pr£sident while in 0ffice and the Pr£sident too can't su£ anyone [Tinubu V. I.M.B Securities (2001) 16 NWLR (Pt.740) 670, and G.E.C V. Donald Duke (2007) 16 NWLR (Pt. 1059) 22.]
So, the Pr£sident can't institute any L£gal action aga'inst this lady for now until he steps down.
So on this part, she is safe for now.
Now let's go to the NYSC part
Has she gone against any of the NYSC Bye Laws?
No. The NYSC bylaws cannot preclude her from exercising her fundam£ntal human ri'ght to freedom of expression, enshrined in S£ction 39 (1) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended).
The R£strictions on the right to freedom of expression contained in Section 39 (3) (a) and (b) of the C0nstitution are inapplicable to her. In view of S£ction 1 (1) and (3) of the C0nstitution, the NYSC bylaws is therefore null and void for being inconsistent with S£ction 39 (1) of the C0nstitution.
Let me continue the rest in the c0mments section
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