·0 Reviews
The purpose of a woman in your life is to calm you down when you're angry, and make you angry when you're calm!
Don't say I didn't do anytin4uThe purpose of a woman in your life is to calm you down when you're angry, and make you angry when you're calm! Don't say I didn't do anytin4u0 Comments ·0 Shares ·0 Reviews -
How has been the day at your end? My day has been bright so farHow has been the day at your end? My day has been bright so far0 Comments ·0 Shares ·0 Reviews
No matter the hardship never give up or you look down on yourselfNo matter the hardship never give up or you look down on yourself0 Comments ·0 Shares ·0 Reviews
People don't change
Unless u give then reason to do soPeople don't change🙌 Unless u give then reason to do so💯0 Comments ·0 Shares ·0 Reviews -