• “Are you not ashamed of caring so much for the making of money and for fame and prestige, when you neither think nor care about wisdom and truth and the improvement of your soul?”

    Often in life, we witness testing times where we are stuck in a dilemma of choosing between what’s easy and what’s right. That is exactly when we face tough decisions using our conscience.

    We should be goal-oriented and focused in life, but that shouldn’t come at the cost of our ethics. A successful person is not someone who amasses only an incredible amount of wealth, but someone who lives by his set principles in life and doesn’t get disillusioned by the wealth so much to indulge in rogue practices. A truly successful life is striking the right balance between a professional and spiritual life.

    Is it even a success that doesn’t allow us to sleep peacefully at night? It is crucial to achieve our goals but how we go about achieving them is also no less important.

    Today we live in a world where morality doesn’t grab any attention. Matters of ethics and spirituality are neglected amid cut-throat competition. Human beings hardly ponder over their day-to-day activities or take some time to introspect about their chosen path to attain their set goals.

    Having clear and effective work-life ethics helps arrive at better decisions and enriches our lives by making them less stressful. While there are many personal and work-life ethics, significantly crucial ones must be incorporated like honesty, integrity, self-respect, respect for others, empathy, compassion, etc.

    There are many benefits of leading a work-oriented ethical lifestyle.

    Helps prioritize our goals: Having a clear roadmap for our goals leads to advancement in our career. It gives a fillip to our professional life through proper planning.
    Enhances leadership quality: A leader is someone who leads others by example. When we are clear about our goals, we can undoubtedly motivate others around us to confide in us.
    Effective goal-setting: It helps us to have a clear vision about long and short term goals, our inclination towards various opportunities and our will towards achieving them.
    Leads to a balanced life: A person who trusts his instincts and makes the right decisions in life has nothing to fear and lives life to the fullest. A work-oriented ethical lifestyle helps us achieve the right balance in life, driving away stress and workload.
    Increased credibility among colleagues: When a person stands by what is right at the workplace, his colleagues can confide in him, leading to increased credibility and cooperation, making it conducive for the team to work towards their goals.
    The moral reasoning behind reaching our goals through ethics also implies doing the right thing at the right time at the right place. This mantra, if followed religiously, will not only lead to an enriched lifestyle, both socially and personally but also a productive life that perhaps every professional or student desires.

    Never neglect the ethical consequences of goal setting because it impacts our overall psychology. It is the mind and its well-being that matter. Therefore, it must be our continuous pursuit to focus on our goals besides relentlessly working towards enhancing our personality by incorporating value-adding ethics and principles in our lives.
    “Are you not ashamed of caring so much for the making of money and for fame and prestige, when you neither think nor care about wisdom and truth and the improvement of your soul?” —Socrates Often in life, we witness testing times where we are stuck in a dilemma of choosing between what’s easy and what’s right. That is exactly when we face tough decisions using our conscience. We should be goal-oriented and focused in life, but that shouldn’t come at the cost of our ethics. A successful person is not someone who amasses only an incredible amount of wealth, but someone who lives by his set principles in life and doesn’t get disillusioned by the wealth so much to indulge in rogue practices. A truly successful life is striking the right balance between a professional and spiritual life. Is it even a success that doesn’t allow us to sleep peacefully at night? It is crucial to achieve our goals but how we go about achieving them is also no less important. Today we live in a world where morality doesn’t grab any attention. Matters of ethics and spirituality are neglected amid cut-throat competition. Human beings hardly ponder over their day-to-day activities or take some time to introspect about their chosen path to attain their set goals. Having clear and effective work-life ethics helps arrive at better decisions and enriches our lives by making them less stressful. While there are many personal and work-life ethics, significantly crucial ones must be incorporated like honesty, integrity, self-respect, respect for others, empathy, compassion, etc. There are many benefits of leading a work-oriented ethical lifestyle. Helps prioritize our goals: Having a clear roadmap for our goals leads to advancement in our career. It gives a fillip to our professional life through proper planning. Enhances leadership quality: A leader is someone who leads others by example. When we are clear about our goals, we can undoubtedly motivate others around us to confide in us. Effective goal-setting: It helps us to have a clear vision about long and short term goals, our inclination towards various opportunities and our will towards achieving them. Leads to a balanced life: A person who trusts his instincts and makes the right decisions in life has nothing to fear and lives life to the fullest. A work-oriented ethical lifestyle helps us achieve the right balance in life, driving away stress and workload. Increased credibility among colleagues: When a person stands by what is right at the workplace, his colleagues can confide in him, leading to increased credibility and cooperation, making it conducive for the team to work towards their goals. The moral reasoning behind reaching our goals through ethics also implies doing the right thing at the right time at the right place. This mantra, if followed religiously, will not only lead to an enriched lifestyle, both socially and personally but also a productive life that perhaps every professional or student desires. Never neglect the ethical consequences of goal setting because it impacts our overall psychology. It is the mind and its well-being that matter. Therefore, it must be our continuous pursuit to focus on our goals besides relentlessly working towards enhancing our personality by incorporating value-adding ethics and principles in our lives.
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  • Never give up, never lose hope
    Never give up, never lose hope🤌🤌
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  • Have a good night rest
    Have a good night rest🤭
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  • Everyone has a different definition of success and what it means to them. Some seek wealth, others seek a loving relationship and for a few people, success is about leaving a legacy and making an impact on the world. Whether the impression that we leave on the world is large or small, everything positive that we help others experience is of equal value.

    For those individuals who really want to dedicate themselves to helping others or making a difference, the following methods can be used to achieve these goals. Hopefully, they will inspire or help you to leave your own impactful legacy.

    1. Consider an Altruistic Profession
    One of the most common ways for people to make a difference is by adopting a profession that allows them to help others or change the world. There are a host of different jobs out there that allow you to do this, covering all manner of different skill sets and proficiencies so that no matter what you’re interested in, there is probably an altruistic job for you.

    The most common choices in this category are healthcare and public service jobs. Doctors, nurses and social carers all dedicate their lives to helping others when they are at their most vulnerable which no doubt makes a difference. Similarly, firemen save lives every day and teachers live their lives educating the next generation to help further humanity. Even beyond these choices, engineers and scientists continually develop ways of generating energy without damaging the planet, whilst politicians aim to introduce policies that help millions to live easier, more comfortable lives. All of these positions all individuals to leave a lasting impact on the world and on the people around them.

    2. Complete a Daily Random Act of Kindness
    For those that won’t be able to change career comfortably or don’t feel that they have the aptitude for the role that they dream of doing, there are still other ways you can help others. Random acts of kindness are by far the easiest way to bring a little bit of warmth and happiness into the lives of others and, if you spent your whole life doing this, there’s no doubt that you will help tens of thousands of people.

    Random acts of kindness can vary greatly depending on the situation. They can be simple behaviors like helping an old lady cross the road or carrying some shopping for someone, as well as kind words like telling a stranger that you like their outfit to boost their confidence. Often, random acts of kindness, whilst seemingly small, can have some of the biggest impacts when delivered to the right people.

    3. Charitable Giving
    Finally, we have doing our bit and giving to charity. If your financial situation allows it, regularly giving to charity can really add meaning to your own life whilst helping or saving countless others. In Islam, they call this Sadaqah Jariyah, the idea of giving continuous charity to support those most vulnerable throughout your life. By taking time and resources out of your own life to help others, it can bring a positive element to everything you do, helping boost your mood on a day-to-day basis.

    Additionally, charitable giving allows you to support whatever cause you are truly passionate about. There are charities out there helping almost every type of person from almost every type of background and in almost every location, assisting you in making a difference where you really want to.

    Whilst these three techniques are not the only ways for an individual to bring meaning or impact on their life, they are some of the most common and effective.

    Hopefully, this has inspired you to find your own way to help others throughout your life.
    Everyone has a different definition of success and what it means to them. Some seek wealth, others seek a loving relationship and for a few people, success is about leaving a legacy and making an impact on the world. Whether the impression that we leave on the world is large or small, everything positive that we help others experience is of equal value. For those individuals who really want to dedicate themselves to helping others or making a difference, the following methods can be used to achieve these goals. Hopefully, they will inspire or help you to leave your own impactful legacy. 1. Consider an Altruistic Profession One of the most common ways for people to make a difference is by adopting a profession that allows them to help others or change the world. There are a host of different jobs out there that allow you to do this, covering all manner of different skill sets and proficiencies so that no matter what you’re interested in, there is probably an altruistic job for you. The most common choices in this category are healthcare and public service jobs. Doctors, nurses and social carers all dedicate their lives to helping others when they are at their most vulnerable which no doubt makes a difference. Similarly, firemen save lives every day and teachers live their lives educating the next generation to help further humanity. Even beyond these choices, engineers and scientists continually develop ways of generating energy without damaging the planet, whilst politicians aim to introduce policies that help millions to live easier, more comfortable lives. All of these positions all individuals to leave a lasting impact on the world and on the people around them. 2. Complete a Daily Random Act of Kindness For those that won’t be able to change career comfortably or don’t feel that they have the aptitude for the role that they dream of doing, there are still other ways you can help others. Random acts of kindness are by far the easiest way to bring a little bit of warmth and happiness into the lives of others and, if you spent your whole life doing this, there’s no doubt that you will help tens of thousands of people. Random acts of kindness can vary greatly depending on the situation. They can be simple behaviors like helping an old lady cross the road or carrying some shopping for someone, as well as kind words like telling a stranger that you like their outfit to boost their confidence. Often, random acts of kindness, whilst seemingly small, can have some of the biggest impacts when delivered to the right people. 3. Charitable Giving Finally, we have doing our bit and giving to charity. If your financial situation allows it, regularly giving to charity can really add meaning to your own life whilst helping or saving countless others. In Islam, they call this Sadaqah Jariyah, the idea of giving continuous charity to support those most vulnerable throughout your life. By taking time and resources out of your own life to help others, it can bring a positive element to everything you do, helping boost your mood on a day-to-day basis. Additionally, charitable giving allows you to support whatever cause you are truly passionate about. There are charities out there helping almost every type of person from almost every type of background and in almost every location, assisting you in making a difference where you really want to. Whilst these three techniques are not the only ways for an individual to bring meaning or impact on their life, they are some of the most common and effective. Hopefully, this has inspired you to find your own way to help others throughout your life.
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  • Whether you are an entrepreneur or a student, or just someone who wants to have a productive lifestyle, the first and foremost thing to learn is time management.

    We all are blessed with 24 hours a day. While some can be couch potatoes and feel that time flies in a second, some others can seal more than one deal, finish a chapter, or learn new skills in the same 24 hours.

    However, some want to be productive and yet feel like time doesn’t favor them. In reality, they haven’t learned to save time ultimately. If you are one of them, here are seven ways to save time and make the most of your day.

    Make A Structure Of Your Free Time
    Structuring your free time seems pointless since you will not be doing any work. But that doesn’t mean your free time cannot be productive. People tend to stay motivated and focused on the workplace because of the presence of a work structure.

    Although you would like to spend your free time freely, the downside of doing so is that you will lose focus of time spending or spend it doing pointless stuff. Structuring your time, on the other hand, will give you direction and purpose. This will provide you with something to stay motivated and focused or even help you understand your free time value.

    Keep a Diary Of Time Details
    Like they say, time flies, you can hardly keep track of it. But keeping a time diary on what you spend your time gives you an insight. You can see what things impact your productivity in the right way and what things negatively impact it. Knowing the same will lead you to make decisions regarding how you can make better use of time.

    A time diary helps you see patterns of time spent, keeps you from spending time on low low-leverage stuff, enables you to focus on priorities, etc.

    ind Out Your Priorities
    Every person is unique, and so is the time they spent. Some people may work hard for a successful career or career growth in general. At the same time, some others want to invest more in family time. But the critical question is, which one is you?

    The Life Hype recommends taking your time to think about which part of life is more important for you and invest your time accordingly. People sometimes go with the flow and hardly know if they are working towards their priorities, often losing valuable time and not getting any work done.

    Understand Why 24 Hours Is Not Much
    If you think about it, the activities and things you do, 24 hours shouldn’t be less for you. If an average person spends 7-8 hours sleeping, 8 hours working, 1+1 hours for eating and chores in the house – it leaves only 6 hours for the activities you want to do.

    This realization of having only a little time for your other commitments will remind you how important time is and how you have to be strict about spending it every once in a while. This will remind you to say ‘no’ to things that are not taking you anywhere and continuously drive you to make the most of the time.

    Focus On High-Leverage Activities
    The 80/20 rule is quite popular, and it says that you can work 20% and yet gain 80% success. But it also depends on what work you do in that 20% so that you get 80%. Every activity is either high leverage or low leverage.

    Some people might only focus on low-leverage activities like watching the TV, which unbeknownst to ourselves take away a considerable part of our time. However, investing the same time in reading a book, meditating, exercising can provide fruitful results when the time is right.

    Don’t Over Work
    The right approach isn’t how much you are doing but the quality of work you are doing. Take Apple, for example. They are one of the most successful companies, and they have only a few product lines.
    You can take a similar approach to your life. You can do fewer things and yet have a productive lifestyle.

    Pack Your Lunch in Advance
    While you’re busy with your schedule and work structure, you hardly remember about your lunch. But when it’s time, whether you are a slow eater or fast eater, you end up spending more than 1 hour for lunch. One of the common reasons why it happens is because you spend half the time planning your lunch.

    The right approach is to plan your lunch and pack a cold lunch in advance so that you can take a small break during lunch.

    Bottom line
    Time management skills are not something you will pick up in a week. You will need to practice it regularly to make it a habit until it becomes your lifestyle.
    Whether you are an entrepreneur or a student, or just someone who wants to have a productive lifestyle, the first and foremost thing to learn is time management. We all are blessed with 24 hours a day. While some can be couch potatoes and feel that time flies in a second, some others can seal more than one deal, finish a chapter, or learn new skills in the same 24 hours. However, some want to be productive and yet feel like time doesn’t favor them. In reality, they haven’t learned to save time ultimately. If you are one of them, here are seven ways to save time and make the most of your day. Make A Structure Of Your Free Time Structuring your free time seems pointless since you will not be doing any work. But that doesn’t mean your free time cannot be productive. People tend to stay motivated and focused on the workplace because of the presence of a work structure. Although you would like to spend your free time freely, the downside of doing so is that you will lose focus of time spending or spend it doing pointless stuff. Structuring your time, on the other hand, will give you direction and purpose. This will provide you with something to stay motivated and focused or even help you understand your free time value. Keep a Diary Of Time Details Like they say, time flies, you can hardly keep track of it. But keeping a time diary on what you spend your time gives you an insight. You can see what things impact your productivity in the right way and what things negatively impact it. Knowing the same will lead you to make decisions regarding how you can make better use of time. A time diary helps you see patterns of time spent, keeps you from spending time on low low-leverage stuff, enables you to focus on priorities, etc. ind Out Your Priorities Every person is unique, and so is the time they spent. Some people may work hard for a successful career or career growth in general. At the same time, some others want to invest more in family time. But the critical question is, which one is you? The Life Hype recommends taking your time to think about which part of life is more important for you and invest your time accordingly. People sometimes go with the flow and hardly know if they are working towards their priorities, often losing valuable time and not getting any work done. Understand Why 24 Hours Is Not Much If you think about it, the activities and things you do, 24 hours shouldn’t be less for you. If an average person spends 7-8 hours sleeping, 8 hours working, 1+1 hours for eating and chores in the house – it leaves only 6 hours for the activities you want to do. This realization of having only a little time for your other commitments will remind you how important time is and how you have to be strict about spending it every once in a while. This will remind you to say ‘no’ to things that are not taking you anywhere and continuously drive you to make the most of the time. Focus On High-Leverage Activities The 80/20 rule is quite popular, and it says that you can work 20% and yet gain 80% success. But it also depends on what work you do in that 20% so that you get 80%. Every activity is either high leverage or low leverage. Some people might only focus on low-leverage activities like watching the TV, which unbeknownst to ourselves take away a considerable part of our time. However, investing the same time in reading a book, meditating, exercising can provide fruitful results when the time is right. Don’t Over Work The right approach isn’t how much you are doing but the quality of work you are doing. Take Apple, for example. They are one of the most successful companies, and they have only a few product lines. You can take a similar approach to your life. You can do fewer things and yet have a productive lifestyle. Pack Your Lunch in Advance While you’re busy with your schedule and work structure, you hardly remember about your lunch. But when it’s time, whether you are a slow eater or fast eater, you end up spending more than 1 hour for lunch. One of the common reasons why it happens is because you spend half the time planning your lunch. The right approach is to plan your lunch and pack a cold lunch in advance so that you can take a small break during lunch. Bottom line Time management skills are not something you will pick up in a week. You will need to practice it regularly to make it a habit until it becomes your lifestyle.
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    Satan knows he is whipped but he doesn't want you to know it. He wants to keep you in ignorance of it.
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