  • Truth is bitter
    Truth is bitter
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  • Help the needy in this hardship.
    May Allah ease for us
    Help the needy in this hardship. May Allah ease for us
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  • Life is not a race between one another, rather, it is a race against poverty. Race your race for better tomorrow and wish others well.
    Life is not a race between one another, rather, it is a race against poverty. Race your race for better tomorrow and wish others well.
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    Fungal Infections (Mycosis) Fungal infections, or mycosis, are diseases caused by a fungus (yeast or mold). Fungal infections are most common on your skin or nails, but fungi (plural of fungus) can also cause infections in your mouth, throat, lungs, urinary tract and many other parts of your body. What are fungi? Fungi are living things that are classified separately from plants or animals. They move around by spreading out or sending spores (reproductive parts) into the air or environment. Many fungi live naturally in our body (mouth, GI tract, skin) but can overgrow under certain circumstances. Scientists estimate that there are millions of fungi in the world, but only a small number of them are known to cause disease in people. This includes certain yeasts and molds.
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    Shirin Yamma na 12/11/2024🎤 Masu bibiyarmu a shafukanmu na sada zumunta ina muku barka da wannan lokacin. Musa Tijjani Ahmad ne zai kasance da ku a shirinmu na maraice da karfe bakwai agogon Najeriya da Nijar, shida kenan agogon GMT da Ghana. Ku latsa nan domin sauraronmu kai tsaye a babban shafinmu na intanet da zarar lokacin yayi👉🔗 https://p.dw.com/p/15bt5 Ga jerin rahotannin da shirin ya kunsa. 1. Manyan jam'iyyun siyasar Jamus sun amince a gudanar da zaben wuri a ranar 23 ga watan Fabrairun shekara mai kamawa ta 2025. 2. Gwamnatin jihar Kebbi ta shirya wata babbar tawaga zuwa Abuja domin ganawa da shugaban hafsan tsaro don dakatar da ayyukan Lakurawa a jihar. 3. Al'ummar yankin Ogoni da ke kudancin Najeriya sun nuna farin ciki kan matakin gwamnatin Najeriya na karrama jagoran fafutukar yankin Ken Saro-Wiwa da kuma wasu mutum takwas. 4. An fara takaddama kan yarjejeniyar da gwamnatin mulkin sojin Nijar da kuma kamfanin Zimar na kasar Canada suka sanya wa hannu ta samar da babbar matatar mai a yankin Dosso na kasar. 5. Gwamnatin mulkin sojin Guinea ta kaddamar da wani rangadi na fadakar da al'ummar kasar kan daftarin sabon kundin tsarin mulki da aka kwaskware. ✍Ku bayyana mana ra'ayoyinku akan wadannan rahotannin a nan. Za mu karanto wasu daga cikinsu kai tsaye. Za ku iya sauraron shirin a nan shafinmu na Facebook 👂
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    One night I was flying over my village and people looked up and said "Look Bangambiki is flying while he is a man, where did he get the wings? Get down, you are dreaming!" I answered them, “I am not a man. I am a superman, and supermen fly!" I am sure I might have fallen if I believed what they told me. Continue flying, continue dreaming, you are a superman
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  • A man settles where he finds peace. Not beauty, not money, not status but peace
    A man settles where he finds peace. Not beauty, not money, not status but peace
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    Yeasts and molds are both types of fungi, but they differ in structure, reproduction, and appearance: *Structure: Yeasts are unicellular organisms, while molds are multicellular. *Reproduction: Yeasts reproduce asexually by budding, where a single organism divides into two identical cells. Molds can reproduce sexually or asexually. *Appearance: Yeasts are typically single cells, but some can form strings of connected cells called pseudohyphae. Molds are made up of long, filamentous chains of cells called hyphae, which can form a visible mass called mycelium. The cottony growth of mycelium gives mold spoilage its distinctive look. Fungi are eukaryotic microorganisms that digest their food externally by releasing hydrolytic enzymes into their surroundings. Some fungi can cause diseases, including superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, systemic, or allergic diseases.
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  • Have you had your dinner?
    If not come and join me
    Have you had your dinner? If not come and join me
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