“I became free the day I learned how to speak up for myself on social media like my ex-wife Cardi B. Women are very good at turning on their camera to cลy on social media about the same things they do to men, and we keep quiet. Cardi B was cheäting every time I was out, to the extent that she even cheäted on me while she was carrying my child, and I didn’t want to say it online because people would think I’m weak. But every time I traveled out, she takes her phone and goes live on instagram to tell the world I’m cheäting, and people believe it just because she’s a woman and she’s crying. If all men decide to speak up about the things they go through in marriage, the world will be a better place. They try to use emotional blackmailing to cäge us”
“I became free the day I learned how to speak up for myself on social media like my ex-wife Cardi B. Women are very good at turning on their camera to cลy on social media about the same things they do to men, and we keep quiet. Cardi B was cheäting every time I was out, to the extent that she even cheäted on me while she was carrying my child, and I didn’t want to say it online because people would think I’m weak. But every time I traveled out, she takes her phone and goes live on instagram to tell the world I’m cheäting, and people believe it just because she’s a woman and she’s crying. If all men decide to speak up about the things they go through in marriage, the world will be a better place. They try to use emotional blackmailing to cäge us”
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