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  • I'm new here hope I'm welcome
    I'm new here hope I'm welcome 🤗
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  • May Peace, Tranquility and Total Recall be unto you all!
    May Peace, Tranquility and Total Recall be unto you all!
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    Learn From This Story.

    One day, a rich kid was walking with his dad when he saw an old legless beggar on the street, begging for alms. The boy stopped his dad immediately and walked up to the disabled beggar.

    "Hey sir, can I ask you a question?" he asked him.

    "Yes you can" the old man replied.

    Then the boy said.

    "What happened to your legs? Why are they missing?"

    A look of shame showed on the dad's face as he whispered into his son's ears.

    "Hey, you should never ask people inappropriate questions"

    The old man heard it. He paused for a moment, then said to the little boy.

    "Can I tell you a short story?"

    The boy nodded his head. Then old man said.

    "It's a true story about a young boy, and you should pay keen attention"


    The old man started speaking.

    "There was a boy who had a donkey he loved so much. He called him Banjo, and he was his best companion. One day, he went to bathe in the river and had taken the donkey with him for a bath. Unfortunately, a huge crocodile suddenly leaped out of the water and grabbed the donkey, dragging him deep in the water. The boy couldn't save his donkey. He screamed so hard as he watched poor Banjo being killed. He became so angry like a volcano. Burning with anger, he must wreak vengeance, so he jumped into the river to fight the ferocious crocodile. But it didn't turn out good as another crocodile attacked the boy and started devouring him... The end"

    Having listened to the story, the kid wagged his head, then asked.

    "So, what happened to the boy afterwards? Or was he also killed?"

    The old man paused for a moment, then said.

    "Over the years, that boy has grown into an old man and he is now me. I just told you a story about myself, thereby answering your question. I survived but lost both legs from the incident"

    Both the father and son were marveled. Then the old beggar concluded.

    "My story has a powerful lesson about anger and revenge, you should take away. You should learn to control your anger, or else you would be pushed to inflict vengeance, which would not only hurt others, but also yourself. I was so angry and desperate, I wanted that revenge so bad that I didn't realize how stupid I was. Anger can make you take stupid actions that you would live forever to regret. You see, if I had controlled my anger and walked home after the crocodile ate my donkey, I wouldn't be the 'legless beggar' you see today. It's important you learn to forgive those who hurt you, and move on with your life. Not because they deserve it, but because you deserve peace.

    THE LEGLESS BEGGAR Learn From This Story. One day, a rich kid was walking with his dad when he saw an old legless beggar on the street, begging for alms. The boy stopped his dad immediately and walked up to the disabled beggar. "Hey sir, can I ask you a question?" he asked him. "Yes you can" the old man replied. Then the boy said. "What happened to your legs? Why are they missing?" A look of shame showed on the dad's face as he whispered into his son's ears. "Hey, you should never ask people inappropriate questions" The old man heard it. He paused for a moment, then said to the little boy. "Can I tell you a short story?" The boy nodded his head. Then old man said. "It's a true story about a young boy, and you should pay keen attention" "Okay" The old man started speaking. "There was a boy who had a donkey he loved so much. He called him Banjo, and he was his best companion. One day, he went to bathe in the river and had taken the donkey with him for a bath. Unfortunately, a huge crocodile suddenly leaped out of the water and grabbed the donkey, dragging him deep in the water. The boy couldn't save his donkey. He screamed so hard as he watched poor Banjo being killed. He became so angry like a volcano. Burning with anger, he must wreak vengeance, so he jumped into the river to fight the ferocious crocodile. But it didn't turn out good as another crocodile attacked the boy and started devouring him... The end" Having listened to the story, the kid wagged his head, then asked. "So, what happened to the boy afterwards? Or was he also killed?" The old man paused for a moment, then said. "Over the years, that boy has grown into an old man and he is now me. I just told you a story about myself, thereby answering your question. I survived but lost both legs from the incident" Both the father and son were marveled. Then the old beggar concluded. "My story has a powerful lesson about anger and revenge, you should take away. You should learn to control your anger, or else you would be pushed to inflict vengeance, which would not only hurt others, but also yourself. I was so angry and desperate, I wanted that revenge so bad that I didn't realize how stupid I was. Anger can make you take stupid actions that you would live forever to regret. You see, if I had controlled my anger and walked home after the crocodile ate my donkey, I wouldn't be the 'legless beggar' you see today. It's important you learn to forgive those who hurt you, and move on with your life. Not because they deserve it, but because you deserve peace.
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  • 8 Lessons to Learn by Age 40

    #1. Embrace the Journey

    Most of your life will be spent in the journey, not the destination. Life is precious and each day isn’t guaranteed. If you put all your happiness in the destination, you’ll be very disappointed when you get there. This goes for physique changes, financial health, and relationships; once you reach the goal you have set it surprisingly isn’t as sweet as you imagined it. Find solace and peace with the journey to getting there; this is where the real magic happens.

    Acknowledge the stage you’re in and be grateful for the experience. The hard times won’t last and instead of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and negative, are knowing that on the other side you’ll be wiser and more resilient.

    #2. Take the Leap

    Spend too much time thinking about “what ifs” and you’re just going to delay the action. None of us can predict what the future holds and no matter the outcome, have confidence in yourself that you can handle it. Often the hardest part is letting go of expectations of what things “should” be or succumbing the trap of perfectionism, when what we really need to do is let down our walls, invite possibility of failure in and ACT.

    #3. Be Intentional and Live Powerfully

    With your time, your money, your actions. With your training program, your nutrition plan, which people you choose to be in your life. Seek to find the “Why” behind everything. Be present, refine your skills, choose to respond vs. react, and expand your thoughts and comfort zones. Increase focus on creating the experience rather than letting things happen to you.

    #4. Discipline Equals Freedom

    Be afraid of failure. The only person you can control is you. So focus on making yourself who you want to be: Faster. Stronger. Smarter. More humble. Less ego. Act in according to your values and your goals; Discipline means taking the hard road—the uphill road. To do what is right, for you and for others so you can achieve the greatness you have envisioned for yourself. It will put you on the path to strength, health, intelligence and happiness. And most important, discipline will put you on the path to freedom.

    #5. You Are Your Thoughts

    Ghandi said:

    “Your beliefs become your thoughts,
    Your thoughts become your words,
    Your words become your actions,
    Your actions become your habits,
    Your habits become your values,
    Your values become your destiny.”

    Excuses only sound good to the person making them. The only way to truly become the person you want to be is by acting in the way that she acts; starting right now.

    Your thoughts control your body and your body reciprocally controls your thoughts. If you’re feeling sad, try putting a smile on your face, even if it is the last thing that you want to do. Fake a smile, and feel how your body starts to feel lighter. Sometimes a change in our physical state is all that it takes to create a change in our mental state. Smile more, laugh more, and don’t take life so seriously.

    #6. Failure Only Comes If You Quit

    Otherwise it just gives you lessons and perspective for new opportunities. Life is too short to not take those chances, to not take that leap. Every experience is an opportunity to learn from and be better the next time around. We only truly fail when we decide to give up instead of finding another way. Time cures all and you’ll live with much less regret by trying and failing, rather than not trying at all. Don’t take no for an answer, especially when it comes to your goals and dreams.

    People on a high slope skiing

    #7. Trust Your Intuition

    When something feels off, it is. Be in or be out. Let your yes be yes or your no be no. Be 100% in the relationship, in the job, in your travels, in your decisions. We all have that little voice inside us telling us what we should do; don’t be afraid to listen to it.

    #8. Never Compromise on Yourself

    Your integrity is the thread of your existence. Live according to YOUR values, no one else’s and do what you know in your heart is right. Don’t let the judgement of others stop you from speaking out or doing what you need to do. In the end, your word, your follow through, and your perseverance when things are tough are what will matter most.

    8 Lessons to Learn by Age 40 #1. Embrace the Journey Most of your life will be spent in the journey, not the destination. Life is precious and each day isn’t guaranteed. If you put all your happiness in the destination, you’ll be very disappointed when you get there. This goes for physique changes, financial health, and relationships; once you reach the goal you have set it surprisingly isn’t as sweet as you imagined it. Find solace and peace with the journey to getting there; this is where the real magic happens. Acknowledge the stage you’re in and be grateful for the experience. The hard times won’t last and instead of feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and negative, are knowing that on the other side you’ll be wiser and more resilient. #2. Take the Leap Spend too much time thinking about “what ifs” and you’re just going to delay the action. None of us can predict what the future holds and no matter the outcome, have confidence in yourself that you can handle it. Often the hardest part is letting go of expectations of what things “should” be or succumbing the trap of perfectionism, when what we really need to do is let down our walls, invite possibility of failure in and ACT. #3. Be Intentional and Live Powerfully With your time, your money, your actions. With your training program, your nutrition plan, which people you choose to be in your life. Seek to find the “Why” behind everything. Be present, refine your skills, choose to respond vs. react, and expand your thoughts and comfort zones. Increase focus on creating the experience rather than letting things happen to you. #4. Discipline Equals Freedom Be afraid of failure. The only person you can control is you. So focus on making yourself who you want to be: Faster. Stronger. Smarter. More humble. Less ego. Act in according to your values and your goals; Discipline means taking the hard road—the uphill road. To do what is right, for you and for others so you can achieve the greatness you have envisioned for yourself. It will put you on the path to strength, health, intelligence and happiness. And most important, discipline will put you on the path to freedom. #5. You Are Your Thoughts Ghandi said: “Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” Excuses only sound good to the person making them. The only way to truly become the person you want to be is by acting in the way that she acts; starting right now. Your thoughts control your body and your body reciprocally controls your thoughts. If you’re feeling sad, try putting a smile on your face, even if it is the last thing that you want to do. Fake a smile, and feel how your body starts to feel lighter. Sometimes a change in our physical state is all that it takes to create a change in our mental state. Smile more, laugh more, and don’t take life so seriously. #6. Failure Only Comes If You Quit Otherwise it just gives you lessons and perspective for new opportunities. Life is too short to not take those chances, to not take that leap. Every experience is an opportunity to learn from and be better the next time around. We only truly fail when we decide to give up instead of finding another way. Time cures all and you’ll live with much less regret by trying and failing, rather than not trying at all. Don’t take no for an answer, especially when it comes to your goals and dreams. People on a high slope skiing #7. Trust Your Intuition When something feels off, it is. Be in or be out. Let your yes be yes or your no be no. Be 100% in the relationship, in the job, in your travels, in your decisions. We all have that little voice inside us telling us what we should do; don’t be afraid to listen to it. #8. Never Compromise on Yourself Your integrity is the thread of your existence. Live according to YOUR values, no one else’s and do what you know in your heart is right. Don’t let the judgement of others stop you from speaking out or doing what you need to do. In the end, your word, your follow through, and your perseverance when things are tough are what will matter most.
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    1. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer

    2. "Success is not in what you have, but who you are." - Bo Bennett

    3. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

    4. "Success is not the absence of failure; it's the persistence through failure." - Aisha Tyler

    5. "Success is not about the destination, but the journey." - Zig Ziglar

    6. "Success is not measured by money, but by the impact you have on others." - Unknown

    7. "Success is not about being the best, but becoming your best self." - Unknown

    8. "Success is not about how much you accomplish, but how you inspire others to accomplish." - Unknown

    9. "Success is not about luck, it's about hard work and dedication." - Unknown

    10. "Success is not about the applause, but the satisfaction of knowing you gave it your all." - Unknown

    11. "Success is not about the number of times you fall, but the number of times you get back up." - Unknown

    12. "Success is not about being perfect, but embracing your imperfections." - Unknown

    13. "Success is not about what you have, but who you become in the process." - Unknown

    14. "Success is not about the size of your bank account, but the size of your heart." - Unknown

    15. "Success is not about the destination, but the lessons learned along the way." - Unknown

    16. "Success is not about winning every battle, but choosing the battles worth fighting for." - Unknown

    17. "Success is not about the accolades, but the impact you make on others." - Unknown

    18. "Success is not about the possessions you accumulate, but the memories you create." - Unknown

    19. "Success is not about the title, but the influence you have on others." - Unknown

    20. "Success is not about the quantity, but the quality of your relationships." - Unknown

    21. "Success is not about the fame, but the fulfillment of living your purpose." - Unknown

    22. "Success is not about the destination, but the person you become in the process." - Unknown

    23. "Success is not about the material possessions, but the intangible values you hold dear." - Unknown

    24. "Success is not about the external validation, but the internal satisfaction." - Unknown

    25. "Success is not about the shortcuts, but the long-term commitment." - Unknown

    26. "Success is not about the competition, but the collaboration." - Unknown

    27. "Success is not about the quantity of your achievements, but the quality of your character." - Unknown

    28. "Success is not about the destination, but the growth you experience along the way." - Unknown

    29. "Success is not about the size of your dreams, but the determination to pursue them." - Unknown

    30. "Success is not about the applause, but the fulfillment of knowing you gave it your all." - Unknown

    31. "Success is not about the destination, but the lessons learned from the journey." - Unknown

    32. "Success is not about the number of followers, but the impact you have on their lives." - Unknown

    33. "Success is not about the recognition, but the satisfaction of knowing you made a difference." - Unknown

    34. "Success is not about the destination, but the person you become in pursuit of it." - Unknown

    35. "Success is not about the possessions, but the experiences that enrich your life." - Unknown

    36. "Success is not about the external validation, but the internal fulfillment." - Unknown

    37. "Success is not about the shortcuts, but the perseverance through challenges." - Unknown

    38. "Success is not about the competition, but the collaboration that leads to greatness." - Unknown

    39. "Success is not about the quantity of achievements, but the quality of your character." - Unknown

    40. "Success is not about the destination, but the growth and transformation you undergo.”

    ✨40 SUCCESS QUOTES: 1. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer 2. "Success is not in what you have, but who you are." - Bo Bennett 3. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill 4. "Success is not the absence of failure; it's the persistence through failure." - Aisha Tyler 5. "Success is not about the destination, but the journey." - Zig Ziglar 6. "Success is not measured by money, but by the impact you have on others." - Unknown 7. "Success is not about being the best, but becoming your best self." - Unknown 8. "Success is not about how much you accomplish, but how you inspire others to accomplish." - Unknown 9. "Success is not about luck, it's about hard work and dedication." - Unknown 10. "Success is not about the applause, but the satisfaction of knowing you gave it your all." - Unknown 11. "Success is not about the number of times you fall, but the number of times you get back up." - Unknown 12. "Success is not about being perfect, but embracing your imperfections." - Unknown 13. "Success is not about what you have, but who you become in the process." - Unknown 14. "Success is not about the size of your bank account, but the size of your heart." - Unknown 15. "Success is not about the destination, but the lessons learned along the way." - Unknown 16. "Success is not about winning every battle, but choosing the battles worth fighting for." - Unknown 17. "Success is not about the accolades, but the impact you make on others." - Unknown 18. "Success is not about the possessions you accumulate, but the memories you create." - Unknown 19. "Success is not about the title, but the influence you have on others." - Unknown 20. "Success is not about the quantity, but the quality of your relationships." - Unknown 21. "Success is not about the fame, but the fulfillment of living your purpose." - Unknown 22. "Success is not about the destination, but the person you become in the process." - Unknown 23. "Success is not about the material possessions, but the intangible values you hold dear." - Unknown 24. "Success is not about the external validation, but the internal satisfaction." - Unknown 25. "Success is not about the shortcuts, but the long-term commitment." - Unknown 26. "Success is not about the competition, but the collaboration." - Unknown 27. "Success is not about the quantity of your achievements, but the quality of your character." - Unknown 28. "Success is not about the destination, but the growth you experience along the way." - Unknown 29. "Success is not about the size of your dreams, but the determination to pursue them." - Unknown 30. "Success is not about the applause, but the fulfillment of knowing you gave it your all." - Unknown 31. "Success is not about the destination, but the lessons learned from the journey." - Unknown 32. "Success is not about the number of followers, but the impact you have on their lives." - Unknown 33. "Success is not about the recognition, but the satisfaction of knowing you made a difference." - Unknown 34. "Success is not about the destination, but the person you become in pursuit of it." - Unknown 35. "Success is not about the possessions, but the experiences that enrich your life." - Unknown 36. "Success is not about the external validation, but the internal fulfillment." - Unknown 37. "Success is not about the shortcuts, but the perseverance through challenges." - Unknown 38. "Success is not about the competition, but the collaboration that leads to greatness." - Unknown 39. "Success is not about the quantity of achievements, but the quality of your character." - Unknown 40. "Success is not about the destination, but the growth and transformation you undergo.”
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  • Very inspired story: A Year to Live.

    Anthony Burgess was forty when he learned he had a brain tumor that would kill him within a year. He had no money at the time and nothing to bequeath to his soon-to-be widow, Lynne.

    Burgess had never been a professional novelist in the past; but he was always aware that he had the talent to be a writer in him. So, just to be able to leave at least the copyrights to his wife, he put a piece of paper in the typewriter and began to write his first novel. It was not even certain that what he had written could be published; but he couldn’t think of anything else to do.

    “It was January 1960,” he said, “and according to the diagnosis, I had a winter, a spring, and a summer ahead of me. That year, when the leaves began to fall, I would have died too.” With that speed and haste, Burgess had managed to write five and a half novels before the year was out. E. M. Forster could only write so many in almost an entire lifetime; J. D. Salinger, one of America’s greatest writers, managed to write only half of it in his entire life.

    However, Burgess did not die. His cancer first regressed; then it disappeared altogether. In his long and full life as a writer, he produced more than seventy works, most famously A Clockwork Orange. He might not have written even one of these novels had it not been for the death sentence that cancer had inflicted on him.

    Most of us are like Anthony Burgess; we hide a great talent waiting for an emergency to emerge from within us.

    A useful exercise in self-motivation is to ask yourself what you would do if you were in Anthony Burgess’s place and found out that you would die of cancer within a year… “What would change in my life, how would I live my last year if I had learned that I would only live one more year? ? What exactly would I do? Considering the brevity of life is a useful exercise; it often brings up surprising thoughts in your mind that will reveal your unused talents that have not yet surfaced.

    Very inspired story: A Year to Live. Anthony Burgess was forty when he learned he had a brain tumor that would kill him within a year. He had no money at the time and nothing to bequeath to his soon-to-be widow, Lynne. Burgess had never been a professional novelist in the past; but he was always aware that he had the talent to be a writer in him. So, just to be able to leave at least the copyrights to his wife, he put a piece of paper in the typewriter and began to write his first novel. It was not even certain that what he had written could be published; but he couldn’t think of anything else to do. “It was January 1960,” he said, “and according to the diagnosis, I had a winter, a spring, and a summer ahead of me. That year, when the leaves began to fall, I would have died too.” With that speed and haste, Burgess had managed to write five and a half novels before the year was out. E. M. Forster could only write so many in almost an entire lifetime; J. D. Salinger, one of America’s greatest writers, managed to write only half of it in his entire life. However, Burgess did not die. His cancer first regressed; then it disappeared altogether. In his long and full life as a writer, he produced more than seventy works, most famously A Clockwork Orange. He might not have written even one of these novels had it not been for the death sentence that cancer had inflicted on him. Most of us are like Anthony Burgess; we hide a great talent waiting for an emergency to emerge from within us. A useful exercise in self-motivation is to ask yourself what you would do if you were in Anthony Burgess’s place and found out that you would die of cancer within a year… “What would change in my life, how would I live my last year if I had learned that I would only live one more year? ? What exactly would I do? Considering the brevity of life is a useful exercise; it often brings up surprising thoughts in your mind that will reveal your unused talents that have not yet surfaced.
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  • The causes of high failure rate in poultry business:

    1) Lack of Technical knowledge.

    It is regrettable that many people and organizations have ventured into poultry farming without technical knowledge. Knowledge of poultry farming techniques are required before anyone can operate the business profitably.

    2) Management Problem.

    An incompetent management may not be able to operate a profitable poultry farm. The managers of the farm must know what they are employed to do and posses the ability to do it.

    Some poultry managers fail to recognise the peculiarity of poultry farming in their management style, thereby preparing good ground for losses in the venture. Many managers do not recognize the need for timely planning and control in running the farm.

    3) Diseased Breeds.

    Some fertilized eggs meant to be hatched in the incubator could be infected with disease from the parent stock. This means that before the eggs were hatched they had been diseased. If the disease are not detected and treated on time, the affected birds may die sooner or later.

    4) Hygiene Deficiency.

    There is a minimum hygiene condition that must exist in any poultry farm if the birds are to remain healthy and produce maximally for profit. The poultry farm must be kept clean always; the droppings should be cleared on time before they constitute an agent of disease.

    5) Poor feeding condition and wastage of feed.

    The birds need to be fed well in the pens in order to produce maximum meat and eggs (either of which may be the purpose for running the farm).

    The birds are fed with varying quantities of feed at different stages and with the appropriate feed. The various feeds are chicks mash, grower mash and layer mash, which must be sufficiently rich to give the birds the required nutrients to grow healthy and produce optimally.

    6) Security.

    A poultry farm must be established in a secured place to ward off enemies of birds, such as rats, soldier ants, snakes, wild birds, etc. Most of these enemies are agents of disease that could lead to an epidemic on the farm, and they kill the birds directly as well.

    There must be strict check on the farm workers who may be stealing the fowls and the eggs. Also, visitors may constitute a problem to the farm if they are not properly checked.

    7) Housing.

    Birds need minimum space and convenient place to grow well and produce maximally meat and eggs. Birds are spaced on the farm according to their ages; while the chicks need little space, growers and mature birds need more space and ventilation to perform well.

    The services of a consultant may be needed to determine the appropriate spacing for the birds without which they may suffocate to death, which will be a big loss to the business.

    Inability to prevent, detect and control disease.

    It is often said that prevention is better than cure, as far as disease are concerned and this is a true statement and relevant one to poultry farming.

    A poultry farmer should know how to prevent poultry disease, as well as how to cure them. If he or she does know anything about preventive measures, the services of consultants in the field should be engaged for good result.

    9) Marketing.

    A marketing plan is absolutely necessary for successful commercial poultry farming, as any farmer ignorant of his or her marketing needs is bound to run into serious losses and eventual failure.

    It will be ridiculous to start poultry production without knowing when, where, how and to whom to sell the fowls, eggs, feathers and droppings as they are produced. We cannot talk of profit if the meat and eggs have no ready market.

    Eggs have a very short shelf life and if they are not sold quickly, they will go bad, and no one is interested in buying bad eggs. Also, birds not sold at the appropriate time will be fed at an extra cost that may make the business unprofitable.

    Therefore, adequate marketing strategies are needed to sell all the poultry products at the appropriate time and prices.

    10) Ignoring the role of livestock consultants.

    There are always practicing experts in every profession or occupation who function as consultants. They are there to proffer solutions to problems that exist in such professions at a minimum cost.

    Where a livestock farmer doesn’t have adequate technical and managerial experience, he or she can consult experts for necessary advice to bridge the gap.

    Even where the farmer thinks he or she has all it takes to run a farm successfully, there may be need to seek the services of experts in the field, as it is usually said that two heads are better than one.

    The causes of high failure rate in poultry business: 1) Lack of Technical knowledge. It is regrettable that many people and organizations have ventured into poultry farming without technical knowledge. Knowledge of poultry farming techniques are required before anyone can operate the business profitably. 2) Management Problem. An incompetent management may not be able to operate a profitable poultry farm. The managers of the farm must know what they are employed to do and posses the ability to do it. Some poultry managers fail to recognise the peculiarity of poultry farming in their management style, thereby preparing good ground for losses in the venture. Many managers do not recognize the need for timely planning and control in running the farm. 3) Diseased Breeds. Some fertilized eggs meant to be hatched in the incubator could be infected with disease from the parent stock. This means that before the eggs were hatched they had been diseased. If the disease are not detected and treated on time, the affected birds may die sooner or later. 4) Hygiene Deficiency. There is a minimum hygiene condition that must exist in any poultry farm if the birds are to remain healthy and produce maximally for profit. The poultry farm must be kept clean always; the droppings should be cleared on time before they constitute an agent of disease. 5) Poor feeding condition and wastage of feed. The birds need to be fed well in the pens in order to produce maximum meat and eggs (either of which may be the purpose for running the farm). The birds are fed with varying quantities of feed at different stages and with the appropriate feed. The various feeds are chicks mash, grower mash and layer mash, which must be sufficiently rich to give the birds the required nutrients to grow healthy and produce optimally. 6) Security. A poultry farm must be established in a secured place to ward off enemies of birds, such as rats, soldier ants, snakes, wild birds, etc. Most of these enemies are agents of disease that could lead to an epidemic on the farm, and they kill the birds directly as well. There must be strict check on the farm workers who may be stealing the fowls and the eggs. Also, visitors may constitute a problem to the farm if they are not properly checked. 7) Housing. Birds need minimum space and convenient place to grow well and produce maximally meat and eggs. Birds are spaced on the farm according to their ages; while the chicks need little space, growers and mature birds need more space and ventilation to perform well. The services of a consultant may be needed to determine the appropriate spacing for the birds without which they may suffocate to death, which will be a big loss to the business. 😎 Inability to prevent, detect and control disease. It is often said that prevention is better than cure, as far as disease are concerned and this is a true statement and relevant one to poultry farming. A poultry farmer should know how to prevent poultry disease, as well as how to cure them. If he or she does know anything about preventive measures, the services of consultants in the field should be engaged for good result. 9) Marketing. A marketing plan is absolutely necessary for successful commercial poultry farming, as any farmer ignorant of his or her marketing needs is bound to run into serious losses and eventual failure. It will be ridiculous to start poultry production without knowing when, where, how and to whom to sell the fowls, eggs, feathers and droppings as they are produced. We cannot talk of profit if the meat and eggs have no ready market. Eggs have a very short shelf life and if they are not sold quickly, they will go bad, and no one is interested in buying bad eggs. Also, birds not sold at the appropriate time will be fed at an extra cost that may make the business unprofitable. Therefore, adequate marketing strategies are needed to sell all the poultry products at the appropriate time and prices. 10) Ignoring the role of livestock consultants. There are always practicing experts in every profession or occupation who function as consultants. They are there to proffer solutions to problems that exist in such professions at a minimum cost. Where a livestock farmer doesn’t have adequate technical and managerial experience, he or she can consult experts for necessary advice to bridge the gap. Even where the farmer thinks he or she has all it takes to run a farm successfully, there may be need to seek the services of experts in the field, as it is usually said that two heads are better than one.
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    1. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer

    2. "Success is not in what you have, but who you are." - Bo Bennett

    3. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

    4. "Success is not the absence of failure; it's the persistence through failure." - Aisha Tyler

    5. "Success is not about the destination, but the journey." - Zig Ziglar

    6. "Success is not measured by money, but by the impact you have on others." - Unknown

    7. "Success is not about being the best, but becoming your best self." - Unknown

    8. "Success is not about how much you accomplish, but how you inspire others to accomplish." - Unknown

    9. "Success is not about luck, it's about hard work and dedication." - Unknown

    10. "Success is not about the applause, but the satisfaction of knowing you gave it your all." - Unknown

    11. "Success is not about the number of times you fall, but the number of times you get back up." - Unknown

    12. "Success is not about being perfect, but embracing your imperfections." - Unknown

    13. "Success is not about what you have, but who you become in the process." - Unknown

    14. "Success is not about the size of your bank account, but the size of your heart." - Unknown

    15. "Success is not about the destination, but the lessons learned along the way." - Unknown

    16. "Success is not about winning every battle, but choosing the battles worth fighting for." - Unknown

    17. "Success is not about the accolades, but the impact you make on others." - Unknown

    18. "Success is not about the possessions you accumulate, but the memories you create." - Unknown

    19. "Success is not about the title, but the influence you have on others." - Unknown

    20. "Success is not about the quantity, but the quality of your relationships." - Unknown

    21. "Success is not about the fame, but the fulfillment of living your purpose." - Unknown

    22. "Success is not about the destination, but the person you become in the process." - Unknown

    23. "Success is not about the material possessions, but the intangible values you hold dear." - Unknown

    24. "Success is not about the external validation, but the internal satisfaction." - Unknown

    25. "Success is not about the shortcuts, but the long-term commitment." - Unknown

    26. "Success is not about the competition, but the collaboration." - Unknown

    27. "Success is not about the quantity of your achievements, but the quality of your character." - Unknown

    28. "Success is not about the destination, but the growth you experience along the way." - Unknown

    29. "Success is not about the size of your dreams, but the determination to pursue them." - Unknown

    30. "Success is not about the applause, but the fulfillment of knowing you gave it your all." - Unknown

    31. "Success is not about the destination, but the lessons learned from the journey." - Unknown

    32. "Success is not about the number of followers, but the impact you have on their lives." - Unknown

    33. "Success is not about the recognition, but the satisfaction of knowing you made a difference." - Unknown

    34. "Success is not about the destination, but the person you become in pursuit of it." - Unknown

    35. "Success is not about the possessions, but the experiences that enrich your life." - Unknown

    36. "Success is not about the external validation, but the internal fulfillment." - Unknown

    37. "Success is not about the shortcuts, but the perseverance through challenges." - Unknown

    38. "Success is not about the competition, but the collaboration that leads to greatness." - Unknown

    39. "Success is not about the quantity of achievements, but the quality of your character." - Unknown

    40. "Success is not about the destination, but the growth and transformation you undergo.”
    40 SUCCESS QUOTES: 1. "Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Albert Schweitzer 2. "Success is not in what you have, but who you are." - Bo Bennett 3. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill 4. "Success is not the absence of failure; it's the persistence through failure." - Aisha Tyler 5. "Success is not about the destination, but the journey." - Zig Ziglar 6. "Success is not measured by money, but by the impact you have on others." - Unknown 7. "Success is not about being the best, but becoming your best self." - Unknown 8. "Success is not about how much you accomplish, but how you inspire others to accomplish." - Unknown 9. "Success is not about luck, it's about hard work and dedication." - Unknown 10. "Success is not about the applause, but the satisfaction of knowing you gave it your all." - Unknown 11. "Success is not about the number of times you fall, but the number of times you get back up." - Unknown 12. "Success is not about being perfect, but embracing your imperfections." - Unknown 13. "Success is not about what you have, but who you become in the process." - Unknown 14. "Success is not about the size of your bank account, but the size of your heart." - Unknown 15. "Success is not about the destination, but the lessons learned along the way." - Unknown 16. "Success is not about winning every battle, but choosing the battles worth fighting for." - Unknown 17. "Success is not about the accolades, but the impact you make on others." - Unknown 18. "Success is not about the possessions you accumulate, but the memories you create." - Unknown 19. "Success is not about the title, but the influence you have on others." - Unknown 20. "Success is not about the quantity, but the quality of your relationships." - Unknown 21. "Success is not about the fame, but the fulfillment of living your purpose." - Unknown 22. "Success is not about the destination, but the person you become in the process." - Unknown 23. "Success is not about the material possessions, but the intangible values you hold dear." - Unknown 24. "Success is not about the external validation, but the internal satisfaction." - Unknown 25. "Success is not about the shortcuts, but the long-term commitment." - Unknown 26. "Success is not about the competition, but the collaboration." - Unknown 27. "Success is not about the quantity of your achievements, but the quality of your character." - Unknown 28. "Success is not about the destination, but the growth you experience along the way." - Unknown 29. "Success is not about the size of your dreams, but the determination to pursue them." - Unknown 30. "Success is not about the applause, but the fulfillment of knowing you gave it your all." - Unknown 31. "Success is not about the destination, but the lessons learned from the journey." - Unknown 32. "Success is not about the number of followers, but the impact you have on their lives." - Unknown 33. "Success is not about the recognition, but the satisfaction of knowing you made a difference." - Unknown 34. "Success is not about the destination, but the person you become in pursuit of it." - Unknown 35. "Success is not about the possessions, but the experiences that enrich your life." - Unknown 36. "Success is not about the external validation, but the internal fulfillment." - Unknown 37. "Success is not about the shortcuts, but the perseverance through challenges." - Unknown 38. "Success is not about the competition, but the collaboration that leads to greatness." - Unknown 39. "Success is not about the quantity of achievements, but the quality of your character." - Unknown 40. "Success is not about the destination, but the growth and transformation you undergo.”
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