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  • You were my reason to live, laugh and love. Now you've gone away and I don't know what to do. Is life really worth living without you?
    You were my reason to live, laugh and love. Now you've gone away and I don't know what to do. Is life really worth living without you?
  • God gave you plenty of beauty, intelligence, generosity, and love but forgot to give you one thing – Mercy. If you had even an ounce of mercy in your heart, you would not have treated me the way you have today.
    God gave you plenty of beauty, intelligence, generosity, and love but forgot to give you one thing – Mercy. If you had even an ounce of mercy in your heart, you would not have treated me the way you have today.
  • Just like there's a crackling sound when a beautiful vase breaks, my body experienced a thunderous shake when my heart shattered into a million pieces.
    Just like there's a crackling sound when a beautiful vase breaks, my body experienced a thunderous shake when my heart shattered into a million pieces.
  • When the twain shall meet again, we may be able to create the spark of our romance once more.
    When the twain shall meet again, we may be able to create the spark of our romance once more.
  • I wish there were a magical switch in my life that I could press to erase all the memories I have with you.
    I wish there were a magical switch in my life that I could press to erase all the memories I have with you.
  • Love is blind, but a broken heart sees everything.
    Love is blind, but a broken heart sees everything.
  • When the twain shall meet again, we may be able to create the spark of our romance once more.
    When the twain shall meet again, we may be able to create the spark of our romance once more.
  • Who will I call names now? Who will I fight with? Who will I make up with? Who will I make love to? Along with your own exit from my life, you have taken everything away with you. I feel like an empty soul in a world of hate.
    Who will I call names now? Who will I fight with? Who will I make up with? Who will I make love to? Along with your own exit from my life, you have taken everything away with you. I feel like an empty soul in a world of hate.
  • There is a whole world of pain, hurt, heartache, and torture hidden behind my little smile that no one knows of but you.
    There is a whole world of pain, hurt, heartache, and torture hidden behind my little smile that no one knows of but you.