Upgrade to Pro

  • If you want to reach a goal, you must see the reaching' in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.
    If you want to reach a goal, you must see the reaching' in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.
  • The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.
    The more intensely we feel about an idea or a goal, the more assuredly the idea, buried deep in our subconscious, will direct us along the path to its fulfillment.
  • All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.
    All who have accomplished great things have had a great aim, have fixed their gaze on a goal which was high, one which sometimes seemed impossible.
  • If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
    If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
  • Choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything.
    Choosing a goal and sticking to it changes everything.
  • A goal without a plan is just a wish.
    A goal without a plan is just a wish.
  • If you're bored with life - you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don't have enough goals.
    If you're bored with life - you don't get up every morning with a burning desire to do things - you don't have enough goals.
  • People with goals succeed because they know where they're going.

    People with goals succeed because they know where they're going.