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  • A broken heart is the worst punishment of love. You've taught me the cost of being in love with someone like you who knows no mercy or forgiveness.
    A broken heart is the worst punishment of love. You've taught me the cost of being in love with someone like you who knows no mercy or forgiveness.
  • The more I think about you the more I feel that I deserved you for a lifetime. It's unfortunate that you didn’t appreciate my presence in your life. I hope that someday you will, but it will be too late.
    The more I think about you the more I feel that I deserved you for a lifetime. It's unfortunate that you didn’t appreciate my presence in your life. I hope that someday you will, but it will be too late.
  • I will always cherish the time I spent with you and the dreams I saw with you. What I won't cherish is the way we parted ways, dunking out all memories in the sewer called heartbreak.
    I will always cherish the time I spent with you and the dreams I saw with you. What I won't cherish is the way we parted ways, dunking out all memories in the sewer called heartbreak.
  • My heart tells me that you're still in love with me and always will be. No matter how far you go, a little part of me will always be stuck to you. I still love you, but I hate you for breaking my heart.
    My heart tells me that you're still in love with me and always will be. No matter how far you go, a little part of me will always be stuck to you. I still love you, but I hate you for breaking my heart.
  • I wish there were a magical switch in my life that I could press to erase all the memories I have with you.
    I wish there were a magical switch in my life that I could press to erase all the memories I have with you.
  • I changed myself for you, and you changed yourself for someone else. How ironic.
    I changed myself for you, and you changed yourself for someone else. How ironic.
  • Until yesterday, you filled my heart with love and happiness. Today there is nothing but hate and vengeance. I don't want you back, I just want to know the reason why you broke my heart.
    Until yesterday, you filled my heart with love and happiness. Today there is nothing but hate and vengeance. I don't want you back, I just want to know the reason why you broke my heart.
  • Figuring out life's system is the most difficult thing ever
    Figuring out life's system is the most difficult thing ever