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  • Talk is cheap; If u can't stand ur ground, don't open ur mouth.
    Talk is cheap; If u can't stand ur ground, don't open ur mouth.
  • Manchester United have won just one of their last nine games in Europe!

    Five defeats, three draws and one win vs Copenhagen at home under Erik ten Hag.
    Manchester United have won just one of their last nine games in Europe! 🇪🇺 Five defeats, three draws and one win vs Copenhagen at home under Erik ten Hag.
  • Appreciate God for being on His wake up list. It is a privilege, not a right. You did not just wake up from sleep this morning. You woke up from death. Ask doctors, they will tell you. Sleep and death are almost identical. That is why more people die in their sleep than when performing virtually any other activity. The proper term for what happened to you this morning is resurrection. You resurrected from death. Almost 100,000 people will not wake up today. Death is just sleeping and not waking up. Think about this, and it will help you focus and put more value into your day.
    Appreciate God for being on His wake up list. It is a privilege, not a right. You did not just wake up from sleep this morning. You woke up from death. Ask doctors, they will tell you. Sleep and death are almost identical. That is why more people die in their sleep than when performing virtually any other activity. The proper term for what happened to you this morning is resurrection. You resurrected from death. Almost 100,000 people will not wake up today. Death is just sleeping and not waking up. Think about this, and it will help you focus and put more value into your day.
  • The reason you keep meeting people who are like you is because you attract what you are, not what you want. The problem is not from the people you meet. The issue is squarely with you. To circulate amongst a better class of people, you must be a better kind of person. Birds of a feather flock together. You can't think and act like a chicken and expect to run and fly with eagles. You are not thinking about what is happening to you. Rather, what is occurring to you is what you are thinking of. Change your thoughts and your thoughts will change you and those around you!
    The reason you keep meeting people who are like you is because you attract what you are, not what you want. The problem is not from the people you meet. The issue is squarely with you. To circulate amongst a better class of people, you must be a better kind of person. Birds of a feather flock together. You can't think and act like a chicken and expect to run and fly with eagles. You are not thinking about what is happening to you. Rather, what is occurring to you is what you are thinking of. Change your thoughts and your thoughts will change you and those around you!
  • In my country bandits play on TikTok while protesters languish in Jail.
    In my country bandits play on TikTok while protesters languish in Jail.
  • Wojciech Szczesny confirms he’s in talks with Barça: “Yes, I’m now in talks and considering Barça move. It’d be disrespectful if I didn’t consider this option for my career”.

    “Barça is one of the best clubs
    Wojciech Szczesny confirms he’s in talks with Barça: “Yes, I’m now in talks and considering Barça move. It’d be disrespectful if I didn’t consider this option for my career”. “Barça is one of the best clubs
  • women will beg you to be vulnerable with them and then make you feel less of a man for being vulnerable.
    women will beg you to be vulnerable with them and then make you feel less of a man for being vulnerable.
  • Maintaining a pure & clean heart is so important to me, I be wanting to do people worst than they did me, but ykw, Imma let God do that. Clean heart always wins. #testingseason
    Maintaining a pure & clean heart is so important to me, I be wanting to do people worst than they did me, but ykw, Imma let God do that. Clean heart always wins. #testingseason
  • How do you address and resolve the issues with a partner who often suggest to end the relationship?

    Let’s discuss about it
    How do you address and resolve the issues with a partner who often suggest to end the relationship? Let’s discuss about it🤩
  • Be a joyful person
    Be a joyful person