Upgrade to Pro

  • Never judge someone who was a victim of an assault....
    Never judge someone who was a victim of an assault....
  • Travel is a gift to yourself. It's a chance to recharge, relax, and appreciate the beauty of the world. So, make time for travel in your life and prioritize experiences over possessions. #travel
    Travel is a gift to yourself. It's a chance to recharge, relax, and appreciate the beauty of the world. So, make time for travel in your life and prioritize experiences over possessions. #travel
  • Evil is evil, however, Isaiah 45:7 made us understand that the Lord created evil. And the surest and only way to overcome is with good (Rom. 12:21).
    You only get rid of darkness with light.
    Evil is evil, however, Isaiah 45:7 made us understand that the Lord created evil. And the surest and only way to overcome is with good (Rom. 12:21). You only get rid of darkness with light.
  • The effectiveness of prayers is not measured by how loud you pray or your utterance during prayers. Your prayer will amount to nothing if it does not come from your heart. A prayer is effective due to the law of attraction. The universe, including your mind, will be forced to attract whatever you seek if you have an unquenchable drive to accomplish a particular objective in life.
    The effectiveness of prayers is not measured by how loud you pray or your utterance during prayers. Your prayer will amount to nothing if it does not come from your heart. A prayer is effective due to the law of attraction. The universe, including your mind, will be forced to attract whatever you seek if you have an unquenchable drive to accomplish a particular objective in life.
  • A 250k salary for a youth with no wife is no longer a thing. With this salary if you prioritize eating good and dressing nice you will be owing the bank before month end.
    A 250k salary for a youth with no wife is no longer a thing. With this salary if you prioritize eating good and dressing nice you will be owing the bank before month end.
  • You’d just be minding your business, next thing you know, you’re seeing yourself on emilyinparis’ instagram
    You’d just be minding your business, next thing you know, you’re seeing yourself on emilyinparis’ instagram
  • They told me a cup of Coldstone is N10,800, the way I laughed eh, entered my car, opened sporty and carried 3odds. Even if I want to lose money let me lose money trying to make money.
    They told me a cup of Coldstone is N10,800, the way I laughed eh, entered my car, opened sporty and carried 3odds. Even if I want to lose money let me lose money trying to make money.
  • The entire point of life is to take chances on dreams that seem crazy to most but feel like destiny to you.

    Don't let fear hold you back. Break free, pursue your passions, and make your mark.

    The world needs your unique greatness
    The entire point of life is to take chances on dreams that seem crazy to most but feel like destiny to you. Don't let fear hold you back. Break free, pursue your passions, and make your mark. The world needs your unique greatness
  • As a man, there’s no help for you anywhere. If you don’t help yourself, you’re doomed.
    As a man, there’s no help for you anywhere. If you don’t help yourself, you’re doomed.
  • Democracy is a j¤ke in this country.... Abi no b Lik dat u see m because me is d truth
    Democracy is a j¤ke in this country.... Abi no b Lik dat u see m because me is d truth