Upgrade to Pro

  • It's so hot outside that I went to buy vegetables, and by the time I got home they turned into soup already.
    It's so hot outside that I went to buy vegetables, and by the time I got home they turned into soup already.
  • Don't like me? Cool, I don't wake up every day to impress you.
    Don't like me? Cool, I don't wake up every day to impress you.
  • I enjoy when people shows attitude to me!!!
    I enjoy when people shows attitude to me!!!
  • I am so broke, I can't even afford to fill up my bicycle.
    I am so broke, I can't even afford to fill up my bicycle.
  • James is going to borrow money from a pessimist. They don’t expect to be paid back.
    James is going to borrow money from a pessimist. They don’t expect to be paid back.
  • If you are afraid of life, you are scared to live.
    If you are afraid of life, you are scared to live.
  • I didnt change , i just grew up. You shud try it once ;)
    I didnt change , i just grew up. You shud try it once ;)
  • Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad.
    Love your enemies. It makes them so damned mad.
  • Diet rule #1: If nobody sees you eating it, it doesn't contain any calories.
    Diet rule #1: If nobody sees you eating it, it doesn't contain any calories.