Upgrade to Pro

  • An inefficient virus kills its host. A clever virus stays with it.— James Lovelock
    An inefficient virus kills its host. A clever virus stays with it.— James Lovelock
  • Patience and tenacity are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness.— Thomas Huxley
    Patience and tenacity are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness.— Thomas Huxley
  • The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell.— Confucius
    The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell.— Confucius
  • When we were friends

    Such a good time we had,
    Then what was the need to fight,
    Why did we indulge in blame game?
    Was it really important to prove who was right?
    I had hopes that you would let go,
    But, I really didn't know,
    That I had to do with this,
    Yes you are missed,
    The friendship I had!
    When we were friends Such a good time we had, Then what was the need to fight, Why did we indulge in blame game? Was it really important to prove who was right? I had hopes that you would let go, But, I really didn't know, That I had to do with this, Yes you are missed, The friendship I had!
  • Why me lord

    Why god did this to me,
    Why did he send you in my life?
    We had such a great time,
    Then why did you leave me and go,
    Today I really want to know,
    What happened to our bond so true,
    Now I am feeling all lost and blue!
    Why me lord Why god did this to me, Why did he send you in my life? We had such a great time, Then why did you leave me and go, Today I really want to know, What happened to our bond so true, Now I am feeling all lost and blue!
  • Do you remember?

    Do you still remember the time spent with me?
    Can you see what I can see?
    Will you ever come back to me?
    I still remember all the memories,
    My friend I used to call you this way,
    Today I have nothing left to say,
    Just my silent tears!
    Do you remember? Do you still remember the time spent with me? Can you see what I can see? Will you ever come back to me? I still remember all the memories, My friend I used to call you this way, Today I have nothing left to say, Just my silent tears!
  • I had confidence

    I had confidence that no one can come in between us,
    I had the faith in our bond,
    But, waves of misunderstanding came in between,
    I guess it was not that strong,
    I still have a grudge against you,
    You left me all sulking without any clue,
    Now I don't trust any friend!
    I had confidence I had confidence that no one can come in between us, I had the faith in our bond, But, waves of misunderstanding came in between, I guess it was not that strong, I still have a grudge against you, You left me all sulking without any clue, Now I don't trust any friend!