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  • Do not let problems ruin your relationship, hardships are just tests that'll make your bond stronger.
    Do not let problems ruin your relationship, hardships are just tests that'll make your bond stronger.
  • Tough times are a blessing in disguise, it always reveals the true color of the people around us.
    Tough times are a blessing in disguise, it always reveals the true color of the people around us.
  • Every second of every day someone is going through the worst moments of their lives. If today's just an ordinary day for you, consider that to be a blessing.
    Every second of every day someone is going through the worst moments of their lives. If today's just an ordinary day for you, consider that to be a blessing.
  • Sometimes life is hard but the hardship is measured in the mind, so we should not flee the challenges we face. For with the challenges of life, discretion should be used.
    Sometimes life is hard but the hardship is measured in the mind, so we should not flee the challenges we face. For with the challenges of life, discretion should be used.
  • Success in life will create a crowd for you. Loneliness in life will create space for you, but tough times in life will create the true person in you.
    Success in life will create a crowd for you. Loneliness in life will create space for you, but tough times in life will create the true person in you.
  • Hard times will always reveal true friends.
    Hard times will always reveal true friends.
  • Worrying has never solved any problem but with prayers, faith, hope and love, we shall always conquer through hard times.
    Worrying has never solved any problem but with prayers, faith, hope and love, we shall always conquer through hard times.
  • If Life didn't have challenges, it wouldn't be worth living at all.
    If Life didn't have challenges, it wouldn't be worth living at all.