Upgrade to Pro

  • Remember that you can do a lot

    It is possible to take time to think about a decision. It is possible to make a decision immediately, with lightning speed. It is also possible to not fit into the norm or to be unsuccessful. Respect and accept the ceiling of your capabilities. Believe me, in life there are 1001 “I can” - this rule makes the process of accepting yourself much more enjoyable.

    Remember that you can do a lot It is possible to take time to think about a decision. It is possible to make a decision immediately, with lightning speed. It is also possible to not fit into the norm or to be unsuccessful. Respect and accept the ceiling of your capabilities. Believe me, in life there are 1001 “I can” - this rule makes the process of accepting yourself much more enjoyable.
  • Take responsibility

    Of course, you in the present are the result not only of your choices and decisions, but also of your parents. However, childhood is over, it cannot be changed. This means that you should not look for those to blame, but take responsibility for your life into your own hands. Understand and accept that the past and some circumstances that were beyond your control cannot be changed. This way you will stop fighting with yourself, and you will be able to begin to change smoothly, carefully towards yourself. After all, internal conflict does not solve problems.

    Take responsibility Of course, you in the present are the result not only of your choices and decisions, but also of your parents. However, childhood is over, it cannot be changed. This means that you should not look for those to blame, but take responsibility for your life into your own hands. Understand and accept that the past and some circumstances that were beyond your control cannot be changed. This way you will stop fighting with yourself, and you will be able to begin to change smoothly, carefully towards yourself. After all, internal conflict does not solve problems.
  • “Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it.”
    “Don't wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it.”
  • “A mother who would stop at nothing for her child is dangerous woman when crossed.”

    “A mother who would stop at nothing for her child is dangerous woman when crossed.”
  • “Follow your dreams with determination and conviction until they become true.”

    “Follow your dreams with determination and conviction until they become true.”
  • Just like a shoe, if someone is meant for you, they will fit perfectly; no forcing, no struggling, no pain.
    Just like a shoe, if someone is meant for you, they will fit perfectly; no forcing, no struggling, no pain.
  • “The enthusiasm to work hard and endless determination are the two great skills for success.”

    “The enthusiasm to work hard and endless determination are the two great skills for success.”
  • “Success is a steadily progress. You can make steadily progress in all spheres of life.”
    “Success is a steadily progress. You can make steadily progress in all spheres of life.”
  • Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
  • “Leave your comfort-zone and begin to chase your dreams.”

    “Leave your comfort-zone and begin to chase your dreams.”