Upgrade to Pro

  • Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.
    Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.
  • Sometimes…

    Sometimes people search all their lives, and sometimes they find it in a day... Sometimes we really want to express everything that is boiling, and sometimes in order to understand each other we just need to be silent together about so many things... Sometimes we turn off all our phones so that no one will disturb us, and sometimes we sit, surrounded by telephone receivers, and, unable to breathe, we tremble with impatience, waiting for one single call. Sometimes we wrap ourselves in a blanket and still cannot warm ourselves, because in fact we are cold not outside, but there, inside, in our hearts.

    Sometimes… Sometimes people search all their lives, and sometimes they find it in a day... Sometimes we really want to express everything that is boiling, and sometimes in order to understand each other we just need to be silent together about so many things... Sometimes we turn off all our phones so that no one will disturb us, and sometimes we sit, surrounded by telephone receivers, and, unable to breathe, we tremble with impatience, waiting for one single call. Sometimes we wrap ourselves in a blanket and still cannot warm ourselves, because in fact we are cold not outside, but there, inside, in our hearts.
  • “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.”

    “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.”
  • What consumes your mind controls your life

    Anxiety and anger, even separately, cause us unpleasant emotional arousal. When they overcome us at the same time, the destructive consequences can be avoided only by pulling ourselves together.

    The anxiety and anger that overcome us are not only unpleasant, but can provoke rash actions that we will bitterly regret. Sometimes it's enough just to remember that you have control over yourself. When you manage to pull yourself together, you can redirect the energy of these negative experiences to solve current problems.

    What consumes your mind controls your life Anxiety and anger, even separately, cause us unpleasant emotional arousal. When they overcome us at the same time, the destructive consequences can be avoided only by pulling ourselves together. The anxiety and anger that overcome us are not only unpleasant, but can provoke rash actions that we will bitterly regret. Sometimes it's enough just to remember that you have control over yourself. When you manage to pull yourself together, you can redirect the energy of these negative experiences to solve current problems.
  • Anxiety kills our body

    Stress and anxiety are constant companions of life. It is completely impossible to avoid them. But if you constantly feel exhausted and tired, this can lead to serious health problems.

    We are accustomed to acting reactively: intervening only when something in the body stops “working.” You need to think proactively: pay attention to what makes the body and mind stronger - exercise, mindfulness practices, meditation and proper nutrition.

    Anxiety kills our body Stress and anxiety are constant companions of life. It is completely impossible to avoid them. But if you constantly feel exhausted and tired, this can lead to serious health problems. We are accustomed to acting reactively: intervening only when something in the body stops “working.” You need to think proactively: pay attention to what makes the body and mind stronger - exercise, mindfulness practices, meditation and proper nutrition.
  • Don't get hung up

    Not all problems in life can be solved. Some, such as those related to the weather, the economy, and the words and actions of other people, are beyond our control. Don't worry about them. Focus on your own thoughts and habits and what you can actually improve.

    Infinity ∞ Thoughts
    Don't get hung up Not all problems in life can be solved. Some, such as those related to the weather, the economy, and the words and actions of other people, are beyond our control. Don't worry about them. Focus on your own thoughts and habits and what you can actually improve. Infinity ∞ Thoughts
  • Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are

    As long as a person depends on the opinions of others and on the events of the outside world, he is extremely vulnerable and certainly unhappy.

    Wanting to be someone else is a waste of who you are As long as a person depends on the opinions of others and on the events of the outside world, he is extremely vulnerable and certainly unhappy.
  • Overcome fatigue

    For a person, fatigue is a natural state, unless, of course, it worsens the quality of life and does not become chronic. It's normal to feel tired at the end of a hard day, and sometimes it can even be pleasant. Fatigue affects more than just our physical condition—it changes our mood, makes it difficult to concentrate, and makes us irritable.

    The best way to deal with fatigue is to change the type of fatigue. When you are physically tired, you need to tire your mind, and vice versa. Knowledge workers benefit from playing tennis or basketball, dancing or boxing, swimming or cycling in the evenings. But after hard physical work, it’s good to watch an intellectual film or read Hesse. Just thinking about it will make you forget about physical fatigue.

    Overcome fatigue For a person, fatigue is a natural state, unless, of course, it worsens the quality of life and does not become chronic. It's normal to feel tired at the end of a hard day, and sometimes it can even be pleasant. Fatigue affects more than just our physical condition—it changes our mood, makes it difficult to concentrate, and makes us irritable. The best way to deal with fatigue is to change the type of fatigue. When you are physically tired, you need to tire your mind, and vice versa. Knowledge workers benefit from playing tennis or basketball, dancing or boxing, swimming or cycling in the evenings. But after hard physical work, it’s good to watch an intellectual film or read Hesse. Just thinking about it will make you forget about physical fatigue.
  • React wisely to failures

    By its nature, one psychological wound can easily lead to another. For example, after a failure, we often focus on what we can't do rather than what we can do. Because of this, it is difficult for us to show good results, we begin to worry even more about mistakes and find ourselves in a vicious circle.

    To prevent an emotional spiral, learn to ignore the first reaction to failure, which is feelings of helplessness and moral failure. Instead, make a list of everything you can control if you try again. Analyze your preparation and action plan and try to improve them. This will help you get rid of the feeling of helplessness and increase your chances of future success.

    React wisely to failures By its nature, one psychological wound can easily lead to another. For example, after a failure, we often focus on what we can't do rather than what we can do. Because of this, it is difficult for us to show good results, we begin to worry even more about mistakes and find ourselves in a vicious circle. To prevent an emotional spiral, learn to ignore the first reaction to failure, which is feelings of helplessness and moral failure. Instead, make a list of everything you can control if you try again. Analyze your preparation and action plan and try to improve them. This will help you get rid of the feeling of helplessness and increase your chances of future success.
  • Everything you can imagine is real

    The best defense against negativity is, first of all, positivity in your soul and in your attitude towards the world around you. Just as weeds do not grow in a well-groomed flower bed, keep your soul clean and tidy. Sow the seeds of love there. Very little time will pass and you will grow a tree whose crown will protect you from any adversity in life and make you happy.

    Everything you can imagine is real The best defense against negativity is, first of all, positivity in your soul and in your attitude towards the world around you. Just as weeds do not grow in a well-groomed flower bed, keep your soul clean and tidy. Sow the seeds of love there. Very little time will pass and you will grow a tree whose crown will protect you from any adversity in life and make you happy.