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  • “Knowing comes from learning, finding from seeking.”
    “Knowing comes from learning, finding from seeking.”
  • Perhaps the most important moment in life is to understand yourself.

    Do not engage in self-examination, self-flagellation and self-forgiveness. This is also important, but not about that now. And about who you are. Your goals, your dreams, your possibilities. Your pain, your happiness. You must know everything about yourself.
    In order not to deviate from the path, tripping over the first bump. So as not to waste time chasing shadows, but in time to let go of those with whom you are no longer on the same path.

    Some people cope, but others don’t, because they are afraid, because they don’t know who they are and what they are capable of.

    Perhaps the most important moment in life is to understand yourself. Do not engage in self-examination, self-flagellation and self-forgiveness. This is also important, but not about that now. And about who you are. Your goals, your dreams, your possibilities. Your pain, your happiness. You must know everything about yourself. In order not to deviate from the path, tripping over the first bump. So as not to waste time chasing shadows, but in time to let go of those with whom you are no longer on the same path. Some people cope, but others don’t, because they are afraid, because they don’t know who they are and what they are capable of.
  • Don't dwell on troubles

    When you stop believing that you are the most unhappy person in the world, sadness becomes powerless and loses its power over you. There are always people who have it much harder. Of course, this does not mean that your problems are less significant. But you definitely won’t be able to solve them if you give up and become discouraged. Try to maintain a positive atmosphere around you and be grateful that the worst did not happen.

    Don't dwell on troubles When you stop believing that you are the most unhappy person in the world, sadness becomes powerless and loses its power over you. There are always people who have it much harder. Of course, this does not mean that your problems are less significant. But you definitely won’t be able to solve them if you give up and become discouraged. Try to maintain a positive atmosphere around you and be grateful that the worst did not happen.
  • Great things never come from comfort zones

    Resilience is an important element of success. You should not give up, even if everything is against you, and in the short term you will be sucking paws for several months, or even more. At this time, it is difficult to do without the support of those closest to you and without their faith in your success. But if you insist on yours and believe, then they will believe too. If you know that everything should work out, you must defend your point of view and your creation. Even if you have to slow down, don’t give up or retreat, but continue moving with smaller but confident steps.

    Great things never come from comfort zones Resilience is an important element of success. You should not give up, even if everything is against you, and in the short term you will be sucking paws for several months, or even more. At this time, it is difficult to do without the support of those closest to you and without their faith in your success. But if you insist on yours and believe, then they will believe too. If you know that everything should work out, you must defend your point of view and your creation. Even if you have to slow down, don’t give up or retreat, but continue moving with smaller but confident steps.
  • Switch your attention

    When anxiety overcomes you, you need to stop fruitlessly dwelling on problems. Just tell yourself, “I won’t think about that now,” and turn your attention to your breathing. The practice of mindful breathing, in which you breathe deeply and focus on each inhalation and exhalation, can greatly help take your mind off anxiety.

    Switch your attention When anxiety overcomes you, you need to stop fruitlessly dwelling on problems. Just tell yourself, “I won’t think about that now,” and turn your attention to your breathing. The practice of mindful breathing, in which you breathe deeply and focus on each inhalation and exhalation, can greatly help take your mind off anxiety.
  • Turn your wounds into wisdom

    Everyone has difficult times in life. Especially when you are at a crossroads and you need to make the most difficult choice - to continue to fight or succumb to external circumstances and the general mood. It’s quite difficult to insist on your own when things are not going well at all, and those around you are twirling their fingers at your temple behind your back. When no one but you believes in the success of the business, and it seems that the whole world is against you. If you know that everything should work out, you must defend your point of view and your creation. Even if you have to slow down, don’t give up or retreat, but continue moving with smaller but confident steps.

    Turn your wounds into wisdom Everyone has difficult times in life. Especially when you are at a crossroads and you need to make the most difficult choice - to continue to fight or succumb to external circumstances and the general mood. It’s quite difficult to insist on your own when things are not going well at all, and those around you are twirling their fingers at your temple behind your back. When no one but you believes in the success of the business, and it seems that the whole world is against you. If you know that everything should work out, you must defend your point of view and your creation. Even if you have to slow down, don’t give up or retreat, but continue moving with smaller but confident steps.
  • Motivate yourself

    Being motivated does not mean feeling excited or excited. Motivation is just one or more reasons why you do something. And these reasons must be found.

    Remember that you can always find a reason to move forward. The main thing is to focus on the result, and not focus on the task itself.

    Motivate yourself Being motivated does not mean feeling excited or excited. Motivation is just one or more reasons why you do something. And these reasons must be found. Remember that you can always find a reason to move forward. The main thing is to focus on the result, and not focus on the task itself.
  • Stop waiting for the right moment

    The archenemy of your success is waiting for the right time. You think “I’ll start on Monday” or “now I’ll clean up a little and definitely.”
    Remember, there will never be a perfect time. If you really want to do something, start now!
    If I put off all my ideas and desires for later, believe me, you wouldn’t be reading this text now.

    Act now!

    Stop waiting for the right moment The archenemy of your success is waiting for the right time. You think “I’ll start on Monday” or “now I’ll clean up a little and definitely.” Remember, there will never be a perfect time. If you really want to do something, start now! If I put off all my ideas and desires for later, believe me, you wouldn’t be reading this text now. Act now!
  • Spend at least one day without complaining

    Challenge yourself and try not to complain for at least a day - not about your partner, not about your children, not about your colleagues or boss, not about your work, not about the economic situation in the country, not about politicians, not about fate and circumstances, not about yourself. . By complaining, we continue to breed negativity, and there is already too much of it in this world. It's not about stopping yourself from feeling, just stop complaining out loud. At least for a day.

    Spend at least one day without complaining Challenge yourself and try not to complain for at least a day - not about your partner, not about your children, not about your colleagues or boss, not about your work, not about the economic situation in the country, not about politicians, not about fate and circumstances, not about yourself. . By complaining, we continue to breed negativity, and there is already too much of it in this world. It's not about stopping yourself from feeling, just stop complaining out loud. At least for a day.
  • Do something you never have time for

    When we are constantly busy, we often wish for a free minute to spend on an activity that we think will make us feel much better. For example, go for a walk in the park, take a bath, cook your favorite dish, or knit a hat.

    Try giving in to your desires and see how it affects you. Perhaps you will be so rested and “recharged” that you will have time to do no less than what you are usually busy with, be it studying, working or raising children.

    Do something you never have time for When we are constantly busy, we often wish for a free minute to spend on an activity that we think will make us feel much better. For example, go for a walk in the park, take a bath, cook your favorite dish, or knit a hat. Try giving in to your desires and see how it affects you. Perhaps you will be so rested and “recharged” that you will have time to do no less than what you are usually busy with, be it studying, working or raising children.