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  • A tear in the eye is the wound of the heart.

    A tear in the eye is the wound of the heart.
  • A borrowed mule soon gets a bad back.

    A borrowed mule soon gets a bad back.
  • Do not buy with your ears but with your eyes.

    Do not buy with your ears but with your eyes.
  • Even the most beautiful sheets have small flaws.
    Even the most beautiful sheets have small flaws.
  • The hare and the elephant don't travel well together.
    The hare and the elephant don't travel well together.
  • The constitution is paper,bayonets are steel.

    The constitution is paper,bayonets are steel.
  • It doesn't matter how much milk you spill just as long as you don't lose your cow.
    It doesn't matter how much milk you spill just as long as you don't lose your cow.