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  • Comfort is where your dreams slowly die, and you are somehow okay about it.

    You can't get wealth without risking your comfort.

    You can't get trust without risking your comfort.

    You can't get health without risking
    your comfort.

    You can't get freedom without risking your comfort.

    So get comfortable with getting uncomfortable!

    Comfort is where your dreams slowly die, and you are somehow okay about it. You can't get wealth without risking your comfort. You can't get trust without risking your comfort. You can't get health without risking your comfort. You can't get freedom without risking your comfort. So get comfortable with getting uncomfortable!
  • 3 reasons not to put off life until later

    Why? It turns out that 80% of the fateful events in our lives happen before the age of 35. That’s why it’s so important now to look at your life and gain perspective, understand what actions will benefit you in the future, and decide who you really are.

    The time between twenty and thirty is a critical period of growing up. In this period it is easiest to lay the foundations of the life we ​​want to live.

    Each of us has close people: those who help when we feel bad, give advice and bring fruit when we are sick. But they cannot change our lives. It’s not this that’s paradoxical, but the fact that people we barely know can quickly and radically change our lives for the better.

    3 reasons not to put off life until later 1. ALWAYS REMEMBER: THIS IS BIG TIME. Why? It turns out that 80% of the fateful events in our lives happen before the age of 35. That’s why it’s so important now to look at your life and gain perspective, understand what actions will benefit you in the future, and decide who you really are. 2. TRY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU LIKE AND WHAT YOU WANT The time between twenty and thirty is a critical period of growing up. In this period it is easiest to lay the foundations of the life we ​​want to live. 3. REMEMBER THE POWER OF WEAK TIES Each of us has close people: those who help when we feel bad, give advice and bring fruit when we are sick. But they cannot change our lives. It’s not this that’s paradoxical, but the fact that people we barely know can quickly and radically change our lives for the better.
  • Don't complain, gossip or judge

    Try to stop complaining about life, discussing other people and judging them. Don't criticize your family and loved ones. If you see their mistakes, try to conduct the conversation calmly, without nerves or shouting. When this becomes a habit, your character will improve. And this will have a huge impact on positive changes in your life.

    Don't complain, gossip or judge Try to stop complaining about life, discussing other people and judging them. Don't criticize your family and loved ones. If you see their mistakes, try to conduct the conversation calmly, without nerves or shouting. When this becomes a habit, your character will improve. And this will have a huge impact on positive changes in your life.
  • Never regret anything!

    Before any test, tell yourself: “If it works out, it’s good, but if it doesn’t work out, it’s even better.”
    After all, you know that your world cares about you, and if something failed, it means that you have avoided other unknown problems.
    With this light mood, calmly go on a date with the destiny that you create.

    Never regret anything! Before any test, tell yourself: “If it works out, it’s good, but if it doesn’t work out, it’s even better.” After all, you know that your world cares about you, and if something failed, it means that you have avoided other unknown problems. With this light mood, calmly go on a date with the destiny that you create.
  • Dream - and it will come true

    Don't let people who have given up on your dreams lead you astray. The best thing you can do in life is to listen to your intuition.
    Don't be afraid to take calculated risks and don't choose safer or easier options out of fear that it won't work out. If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting the same results.
    May your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions speak louder than your words. Do something every day that you will thank yourself for in the future.

    Dream - and it will come true Don't let people who have given up on your dreams lead you astray. The best thing you can do in life is to listen to your intuition. Don't be afraid to take calculated risks and don't choose safer or easier options out of fear that it won't work out. If you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting the same results. May your dreams be bigger than your fears and your actions speak louder than your words. Do something every day that you will thank yourself for in the future.
  • React wisely to failures

    By its nature, one psychological wound can easily lead to another. For example, after a failure, we often focus on what we can't do rather than what we can do. Because of this, it is difficult for us to show good results, we begin to worry even more about mistakes and find ourselves in a vicious circle.

    To prevent an emotional spiral, learn to ignore the first reaction to failure, which is feelings of helplessness and moral failure. Instead, make a list of everything you can control if you try again. Analyze your preparation and action plan and try to improve them. This will help you get rid of the feeling of helplessness and increase your chances of future success.
    React wisely to failures By its nature, one psychological wound can easily lead to another. For example, after a failure, we often focus on what we can't do rather than what we can do. Because of this, it is difficult for us to show good results, we begin to worry even more about mistakes and find ourselves in a vicious circle. To prevent an emotional spiral, learn to ignore the first reaction to failure, which is feelings of helplessness and moral failure. Instead, make a list of everything you can control if you try again. Analyze your preparation and action plan and try to improve them. This will help you get rid of the feeling of helplessness and increase your chances of future success.
  • It is is better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially. Donna Tartt, The Secret History
    It is is better to know one book intimately than a hundred superficially. Donna Tartt, The Secret History