Upgrade to Pro

  • “Humor is a universal language.”
    “Humor is a universal language.”
  • “Don't count your problems. There are thousands of reasons for you to smile. Your blessings are much greater than what you deserve”
    “Don't count your problems. There are thousands of reasons for you to smile. Your blessings are much greater than what you deserve”
  • “Don't cry because life has it's bad endings but smile because a whole new adventure has just started. Respect it”
    “Don't cry because life has it's bad endings but smile because a whole new adventure has just started. Respect it”
  • “Behind many smiles hide rivers of tears! Never be fooled by a smile! Sometimes people who laugh the most in our presenceAre those who cry the most when they are alone at night!”
    “Behind many smiles hide rivers of tears! Never be fooled by a smile! Sometimes people who laugh the most in our presenceAre those who cry the most when they are alone at night!”
  • “Having class is having the ability to walk away from a bad situation with a smile on your face and a forgiveness in your heart”
    “Having class is having the ability to walk away from a bad situation with a smile on your face and a forgiveness in your heart”
  • “And then that smile fell off her face for the last time. And she was no longer perfect, no longer flawless. All that was left of her was a beautiful disaster”
    “And then that smile fell off her face for the last time. And she was no longer perfect, no longer flawless. All that was left of her was a beautiful disaster”