Upgrade to Pro

  • #Wallpaper 105
    #Wallpaper 105
  • #Wallpaper 106
    #Wallpaper 106
  • #Wallpaper 107
    #Wallpaper 107
  • #Wallpaper 108
    #Wallpaper 108
  • “I think a big test we all face in life on a regular basis is that discouragement test. Life's not always fair, but I believe if you keep doing the right thing, God will get you to where you are.”

    “I think a big test we all face in life on a regular basis is that discouragement test. Life's not always fair, but I believe if you keep doing the right thing, God will get you to where you are.”
  • “What is life without the radiance of love?”

    “What is life without the radiance of love?”
  • #Wallpaper 109
    #Wallpaper 109
  • “The greatest feeling in the world,is to be loved by everyone around you unconditionally.”
    “The greatest feeling in the world,is to be loved by everyone around you unconditionally.”
  • “You can love anyone so muchBut you can't love people as much as you miss them.”
    “You can love anyone so muchBut you can't love people as much as you miss them.”
  • “We don't believe in rheumatism and true love until after the first attack.”

    “We don't believe in rheumatism and true love until after the first attack.”