Upgrade to Pro

  • If someone is bringing you down, cut them out of your life. It's that simple.
    If someone is bringing you down, cut them out of your life. It's that simple.
  • Take chances. Chase your dreams. Don't play safe and be boring. Start living!
    Take chances. Chase your dreams. Don't play safe and be boring. Start living!
  • Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things.
    Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things.
  • Don't go out there and search, because you won't find it. Don't go sit there and wait, because it won't come to you. Just live your life and see what will cross your path
    Don't go out there and search, because you won't find it. Don't go sit there and wait, because it won't come to you. Just live your life and see what will cross your path