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  • and his wife, and his maidservants; and they bare children.
    and his wife, and his maidservants; and they bare children.
  • For the LORD had fast closed up all the wombs
    For the LORD had fast closed up all the wombs
  • Life doesn't always make sense and i don't think its such a bad thing
    Life doesn't always make sense and i don't think its such a bad thing
  • Behind every beautiful thing, there is some kind of pain
    Behind every beautiful thing, there is some kind of pain
  • As a kid, you can't wait to grow up. As an adult, you wish you were a kid again
    As a kid, you can't wait to grow up. As an adult, you wish you were a kid again
  • People will try to destroy you with words, and that's terrible, but believing those words is even worse. Don't let people get to you.
    People will try to destroy you with words, and that's terrible, but believing those words is even worse. Don't let people get to you.
  • Nigeria has found herself in a predictable economic vortex, no thanks to the upending of the viable federal structure and enthronement of “feeding bottle federalism” lubricated by free oil money that has progressively drained post-First Republic leaders of the vision and creativity of their forebears. The constitutional contradiction has promoted indolence, ineptitude, wastefulness, corruption, and underdevelopment instead.
    Nigeria has found herself in a predictable economic vortex, no thanks to the upending of the viable federal structure and enthronement of “feeding bottle federalism” lubricated by free oil money that has progressively drained post-First Republic leaders of the vision and creativity of their forebears. The constitutional contradiction has promoted indolence, ineptitude, wastefulness, corruption, and underdevelopment instead.
  • With a federal constitution in place, Dr. Michael Iheonukara Okpara was able to enact one of the economic wonders of his era as the premier of the defunct Eastern Region. That region’s economy alone was ahead of the economies of Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, and Indonesia, among others. In fact, it was rated as the world’s fastest growing and industrialising economy between 1954 and 1964. Thanks to the visionary leadership of Okpara, which was driven by his principle of “Pragmatic Socialism.”
    With a federal constitution in place, Dr. Michael Iheonukara Okpara was able to enact one of the economic wonders of his era as the premier of the defunct Eastern Region. That region’s economy alone was ahead of the economies of Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, and Indonesia, among others. In fact, it was rated as the world’s fastest growing and industrialising economy between 1954 and 1964. Thanks to the visionary leadership of Okpara, which was driven by his principle of “Pragmatic Socialism.”
  • my understanding, Governor Mbah only re-echoed the thinking of Nigeria’s founding fathers when they settled for a federal constitution. Chief Obafemi Awolowo held that “the constitution of Nigeria must be federl and any other constitution will be unsuitable and will generate ever-recurring instability, which may eventually lead to the complete disappearance of the Nigeria composite State.
    my understanding, Governor Mbah only re-echoed the thinking of Nigeria’s founding fathers when they settled for a federal constitution. Chief Obafemi Awolowo held that “the constitution of Nigeria must be federl and any other constitution will be unsuitable and will generate ever-recurring instability, which may eventually lead to the complete disappearance of the Nigeria composite State.
  • From one end to the other, the region experienced massive industrial and agricultural revolution: Michelin Factory in Port Harcourt; Nigergas Company, Asbestos Cement Factory, and Niger Steel Company in Emene, Enugu; glass factory in Port Harcourt; Presidential Hotel in Port Harcourt and Enugu; Golden Guinea Breweries in Umuahia; shoe factory in Owerri; Calabar Cement Company and textile industries in the region, just to name a few. Whether it was oil palm or cocoa, rubber, banana, cassava, and pineapple, poultry and animal husbandry industry, the region was busting at the seams, producing for both local consumption and export.
    From one end to the other, the region experienced massive industrial and agricultural revolution: Michelin Factory in Port Harcourt; Nigergas Company, Asbestos Cement Factory, and Niger Steel Company in Emene, Enugu; glass factory in Port Harcourt; Presidential Hotel in Port Harcourt and Enugu; Golden Guinea Breweries in Umuahia; shoe factory in Owerri; Calabar Cement Company and textile industries in the region, just to name a few. Whether it was oil palm or cocoa, rubber, banana, cassava, and pineapple, poultry and animal husbandry industry, the region was busting at the seams, producing for both local consumption and export.