Upgrade to Pro

  • 99% of what you worry about will never happen.
    99% of what you worry about will never happen.
  • When she worries about you that means she cares, when she stops caring that's when you should worry..
    When she worries about you that means she cares, when she stops caring that's when you should worry..
  • Perfection is based on your own perception of what is perfect to you.
    Perfection is based on your own perception of what is perfect to you.
  • Believe what a person shows you; not what someone else told you about them.
    Believe what a person shows you; not what someone else told you about them.
  • May my enemies live long life to see my success.
    May my enemies live long life to see my success.
  • You’ll never know how strong your heart is until you know how to forgive who broke it.
    You’ll never know how strong your heart is until you know how to forgive who broke it.
  • Today is Tomorrow's Memory.
    Today is Tomorrow's Memory.