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  • Tourism is estmated to contrbute 2.7% of the state’s GDP in 2021.
    • Enugu is estimated to have received 5% or about 62,000 nternationa tourist arrivals in
    2021, based on its popuation size and reative attractiveness as a destnation.
    • Enugu is estimated to have earned about $13.3 mion from nternational tourism in
    • The domestic hotel market s projected to grow from $10 billion in 2023 to $20 billion
    by 2027, wth a user base of 17.4 milon indviduals. The Enugu market is posed for
    significant expanson in this thrivng landscape.
    • Over 40 film and music production companies and studos are situated n Enugu.
    Source: WEF, UNWTO, Statista and Afrinvest Research
    • Tourism is estmated to contrbute 2.7% of the state’s GDP in 2021. • Enugu is estimated to have received 5% or about 62,000 nternationa tourist arrivals in 2021, based on its popuation size and reative attractiveness as a destnation. • Enugu is estimated to have earned about $13.3 mion from nternational tourism in 2021. • The domestic hotel market s projected to grow from $10 billion in 2023 to $20 billion by 2027, wth a user base of 17.4 milon indviduals. The Enugu market is posed for significant expanson in this thrivng landscape. • Over 40 film and music production companies and studos are situated n Enugu. Source: WEF, UNWTO, Statista and Afrinvest Research
  • • Enugu has been recognized as the second-best performing state in Primary Healthcare
    Servce Delivery n Nigeria for 2019-2021 (One Campaign)
    • The state s set to serve as the site for the NSIA first oncoogy center in the South East
    • Enugu boasts of stateofart specialist medica facities such as Dialyss, Orthopedc
    and Neuropsychiatrc centers
    • With an estimated population growth of 2.3% per annum, Enugu’s health industry s
    • The state s home to quality medical tranng institutions such as the Enugu State
    Unversity of Scence and Technoogy (ESUT) College of Medicine and the recenty
    inaugurated Enugu State Unversity of Medica and Applied Sciences (SUMAS).
    Speciast Health Centers & Advanced Medical Care
    Growing MedCare Demand
    Sod Medical Talent Pool
    postioned for significant growth.
    • Enugu has been recognized as the second-best performing state in Primary Healthcare Servce Delivery n Nigeria for 2019-2021 (One Campaign) • The state s set to serve as the site for the NSIA first oncoogy center in the South East • Enugu boasts of stateofart specialist medica facities such as Dialyss, Orthopedc and Neuropsychiatrc centers • With an estimated population growth of 2.3% per annum, Enugu’s health industry s • The state s home to quality medical tranng institutions such as the Enugu State Unversity of Scence and Technoogy (ESUT) College of Medicine and the recenty inaugurated Enugu State Unversity of Medica and Applied Sciences (SUMAS). Speciast Health Centers & Advanced Medical Care Growing MedCare Demand Sod Medical Talent Pool postioned for significant growth.
  • Chcken – 6,900942

    Over 20million metric tonnes (MMT) currently produced in Enugu annuay.
    • 8th hghest producer in the country. 10th best yeld factor.
    • Total national production 582MMT
    • Of the 350,000MT produced in Nigera annually, Enugu accounts for 20,000MT.
    • Afrca contrbutes an approximate 565% to the goba production
    • 1.0MMT palm oil produced in Enugu n 2021.
    • Nigeria largest producer of palm oil in the 1900s with the south east region accounting
    Cassava Statewide
    Cashew - Key Locations include Agwu, Ezeagu, Nsukka, Udi
    Ol Palm - Key Locations include Enugu East, Enugu North, Igboeze N, Igboeze S, Isi-Uzo,
    Udenu, Nkanu East, Nsukka, Uzo-Uwani,
    Stylized Facts
    for much of the output
    Chcken – 6,900942 • Over 20million metric tonnes (MMT) currently produced in Enugu annuay. • 8th hghest producer in the country. 10th best yeld factor. • Total national production 582MMT • Of the 350,000MT produced in Nigera annually, Enugu accounts for 20,000MT. • Afrca contrbutes an approximate 565% to the goba production • 1.0MMT palm oil produced in Enugu n 2021. • Nigeria largest producer of palm oil in the 1900s with the south east region accounting Cassava Statewide Cashew - Key Locations include Agwu, Ezeagu, Nsukka, Udi Ol Palm - Key Locations include Enugu East, Enugu North, Igboeze N, Igboeze S, Isi-Uzo, Udenu, Nkanu East, Nsukka, Uzo-Uwani, Stylized Facts for much of the output
  • k - Statewide
    Sources: ABX World Research, National Report of Wet Season Agricultural Performance In Nigeria, 2021, World Bank Enugu Appeals Project,
    • South-Eastern Nigera’s feed considered the best quaty in West Africa.
    • South-Eastern has the highest consumer of livestock products n Ngeria
    • Enugu has the hghest yield in Nigeria.
    • Nigeria has one of the word’s argest deposit of cotton.
    • 25,000 metrc tonnes currently produced in Enugu annually
    • Potential capacity up to 100,000 metric tonnes.
    Cotton - Key Locations include Isi-Uzo, Nkanu East, Nkanu West, Nsukka, Udi
    Yelow Pepper Key Locations include IsiUzo, IgboEtiti, Nnsukka,
    National Cotton Association of Nigeria (NACOTAN), Enugu State Ministry of Agricu
    k - Statewide Sources: ABX World Research, National Report of Wet Season Agricultural Performance In Nigeria, 2021, World Bank Enugu Appeals Project, • South-Eastern Nigera’s feed considered the best quaty in West Africa. • South-Eastern has the highest consumer of livestock products n Ngeria • Enugu has the hghest yield in Nigeria. • Nigeria has one of the word’s argest deposit of cotton. • 25,000 metrc tonnes currently produced in Enugu annually • Potential capacity up to 100,000 metric tonnes. Cotton - Key Locations include Isi-Uzo, Nkanu East, Nkanu West, Nsukka, Udi Yelow Pepper Key Locations include IsiUzo, IgboEtiti, Nnsukka, National Cotton Association of Nigeria (NACOTAN), Enugu State Ministry of Agricu
  • ton
    Enugu yield: 40 tonnes/ha
    National yield: 0.5tonnes/ha
    Oil Palm
    Enugu yield: N/A
    National yield: 10.0tonnes/ha
    Enugu Capacity:
    Cattle – 2,552
    Sheep – 168,234
    Goat 1,645,065
    Pig – 92,209
    Chcken – 6,900942
    ton Enugu yield: 40 tonnes/ha National yield: 0.5tonnes/ha Oil Palm Enugu yield: N/A National yield: 10.0tonnes/ha Livestock Enugu Capacity: Cattle – 2,552 Sheep – 168,234 Goat 1,645,065 Pig – 92,209 Chcken – 6,900942
  • #Fact
  • And the angel of the LORD said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.
    And the angel of the LORD said unto her, I will multiply thy seed exceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.
  • And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.
    And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.
  • And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.
    And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.