Upgrade to Pro

  • We know from science that nothing in the universe exists as an isolated or independent entity.
    We know from science that nothing in the universe exists as an isolated or independent entity.
  • I am like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever.

    I am like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever.
  • What you see depends on what you're looking for.
    What you see depends on what you're looking for.
  • Skill to do comes of doing.

    Skill to do comes of doing.
  • The more you know yourself, the more you forgive yourself.
    The more you know yourself, the more you forgive yourself.
  • Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it.
    Reality does not conform to the ideal, but confirms it.