Upgrade to Pro

  • When my mother was 31 , I was 8 now she is twice as old as I am how old am I? 
    When my mother was 31 , I was 8 now she is twice as old as I am how old am I? 
  • trategic location
    as primary trade
    and economic
    with existing
    integration to
    national land, air,
    and rai assets
    trategic location as primary trade and economic corridor with existing integration to national land, air, and rai assets
  • ast natura
    power potentia
    • Diesel/petrol
    gas and coal
    resources, and
    soar photovoltac
    generatng sets,
    charcoal &
    kerosene lamps
    are the primary
    ast natura power potentia • Diesel/petrol gas and coal resources, and soar photovoltac generatng sets, charcoal & kerosene lamps are the primary
  • ast fuels,
    metallic and non
    metallic minerals
    including natura
    gas and iron
    ore resources,
    zinc ore, coa,
    graphte, lead,
    limestone, kaolin,
    smectite etc.
    ast fuels, metallic and non metallic minerals including natura gas and iron ore resources, zinc ore, coa, graphte, lead, limestone, kaolin, smectite etc.
  • share of renewabes in
    energy mix
    • Increase generation and
    distributon infrastructure
    • Geospatial mapping of
    unserved and underserved
    share of renewabes in energy mix • Increase generation and distributon infrastructure • Geospatial mapping of unserved and underserved communiti
  • competitiveness
    in exploration,
    production and
    • High carbon
    • Assets size
    competitiveness in exploration, production and processing. • High carbon intensity • Assets size undetermined
  • • Grow quantity and quality of
    talent pool
    • Stimulate start-ups, ncl.
    through fundng
    • Attract global R&D, inc.
    in cloud services, energy,
    automotive, health
    • Developing digital nfrastructure
    to transform Enugu to a digital
    hub for Africa
    • Grow quantity and quality of talent pool • Stimulate start-ups, ncl. through fundng • Attract global R&D, inc. in cloud services, energy, automotive, health • Developing digital nfrastructure to transform Enugu to a digital hub for Africa
  • • Underdeveoped
    tourism asset
    • Undernvested
    creatvity industry
    • Underdeveoped tourism asset base • Undernvested creatvity industry
  • • Limited
    investment in
    trade and logistics
    • Limited investment in trade and logistics infrastructure assets
  • Thriving local
    tech eco-system
    • Educated and
    taent pool
    Thriving local tech eco-system • Educated and cost-competitive taent pool