Upgrade to Pro

  • 10 practical lessons inspired by Joe Cae's book
    "Skills Rather Than Just Degrees"
    1. Focus on in-demand skills: Degrees can be valuable, but having practical skills that are relevant to the job market is crucial. Identify what skills are in high demand and focus on developing them.

    2. Invest in skill development: Learning new skills is an ongoing process. Dedicate time and resources to take courses, workshops, or online tutorials to enhance your skillset.

    3. Build a strong portfolio: Showcase your skills through a portfolio that demonstrates your capabilities. This could include projects, freelance work, or volunteer experiences.

    4. Network strategically: Build connections with professionals in your field. Attend industry events, join online communities, and connect with people on LinkedIn.

    5. Highlight your transferable skills: Even if your degree isn't directly related to your desired career, identify transferable skills you gained during your studies. These might be communication, problem-solving, or time management skills.

    6. Take on internships or volunteer work: Gain practical experience through internships or volunteer opportunities. This can help you develop your skills and build your resume.

    7. Personal projects showcase initiative: Demonstrate your initiative by undertaking personal projects that allow you to apply your skills and creativity.

    8. Develop a strong work ethic: A strong work ethic is essential for success in any field. Be reliable, dedicated, and always willing to go the extra mile.

    9. Communication is key: Effective communication is a crucial skill in today's workplace. Hone your written and verbal communication skills to clearly express your ideas.

    10. Never stop learning: The job market is constantly evolving, so continuous learning is essential. Stay up-to-date on industry trends and keep developing your skillset throughout your career.
    10 practical lessons inspired by Joe Cae's book - "Skills Rather Than Just Degrees" 📚 - 1. Focus on in-demand skills: Degrees can be valuable, but having practical skills that are relevant to the job market is crucial. Identify what skills are in high demand and focus on developing them. 2. Invest in skill development: Learning new skills is an ongoing process. Dedicate time and resources to take courses, workshops, or online tutorials to enhance your skillset. 3. Build a strong portfolio: Showcase your skills through a portfolio that demonstrates your capabilities. This could include projects, freelance work, or volunteer experiences. 4. Network strategically: Build connections with professionals in your field. Attend industry events, join online communities, and connect with people on LinkedIn. 5. Highlight your transferable skills: Even if your degree isn't directly related to your desired career, identify transferable skills you gained during your studies. These might be communication, problem-solving, or time management skills. 6. Take on internships or volunteer work: Gain practical experience through internships or volunteer opportunities. This can help you develop your skills and build your resume. 7. Personal projects showcase initiative: Demonstrate your initiative by undertaking personal projects that allow you to apply your skills and creativity. 8. Develop a strong work ethic: A strong work ethic is essential for success in any field. Be reliable, dedicated, and always willing to go the extra mile. 9. Communication is key: Effective communication is a crucial skill in today's workplace. Hone your written and verbal communication skills to clearly express your ideas. 10. Never stop learning: The job market is constantly evolving, so continuous learning is essential. Stay up-to-date on industry trends and keep developing your skillset throughout your career.
  • Am something if u use me i will make women beautiful
    Am something if u use me i will make women beautiful
  • What make woman get pain
    What make woman get pain
  • Me: Becky they said you don't know how to speak english
    You: who said those spokens
    Me: Becky they said you don't know how to speak english You: who said those spokens
  • Baby am so sorry I have cheated on u pls forgive me but the sugar mama gave us 1 billion reply with three words as a wife
    Baby am so sorry I have cheated on u pls forgive me but the sugar mama gave us 1 billion reply with three words as a wife
  • Am something two lady is fighting on me WHAT AM I
    Am something two lady is fighting on me WHAT AM I
  • 1Me: Becky they said you don't know how to speak english
    You: who said those spokens
    1Me: Becky they said you don't know how to speak english You: who said those spokens


    • Listen without interrupting.
    • Speak with a positive tone.
    • Pay attention to your body language.


    • Identify what other people care about.
    • Create stories that resonate with them.
    • Communicate those stories with brevity and emotion.


    • Listen carefully.
    • Understand what the other side wants.
    • Know your worth.
    • Then propose solutions that benefit both sides.


    • Help others unconditionally.
    • Look for common interests.
    • Always add value before asking for something in return.

    5. EMPATHY:

    • Take a genuine interest in other people.
    • Look at things from their perspective.
    • Acknowledge their feelings.
    • Never judge and always be supportive.
    • Be generous with your time and attention.


    • Never gossip.
    • Never complain.
    • Criticize sparingly.
    • Always speak well of others.

    7. TEAMWORK:

    • Avoid claiming all the credit.
    • Celebrate other people's wins.
    • Praise teammates publicly and praise them generously.


    • Avoid arguments and accusations.
    • Focus on solutions over problems.
    • Apologize unconditionally when it's your fault.


    • Never act impulsively.
    • Take a step back when you're upset.
    • Understand what you're feeling.
    • Understand the consequences of your actions.
    • Then proceed accordingly.


    • Learn to prioritize.
    • Learn to delegate.
    • Learn to say no.

    11. WORK ETHIC:

    • Take responsibility for your work.
    • Always show up and deliver on time.
    • Always keep your commitments
    • Never deflect blame on to others.

    THESE SOFT SKILLS WILL HELP ACCELERATE YOUR CAREER: 1. COMMUNICATION: • Listen without interrupting. • Speak with a positive tone. • Pay attention to your body language. 2. PERSUASION: • Identify what other people care about. • Create stories that resonate with them. • Communicate those stories with brevity and emotion. 3. NEGOTIATION: • Listen carefully. • Understand what the other side wants. • Know your worth. • Then propose solutions that benefit both sides. 4. RELATIONSHIP BUILDING: • Help others unconditionally. • Look for common interests. • Always add value before asking for something in return. 5. EMPATHY: • Take a genuine interest in other people. • Look at things from their perspective. • Acknowledge their feelings. • Never judge and always be supportive. • Be generous with your time and attention. 6. POSITIVE ATTITUDE: • Never gossip. • Never complain. • Criticize sparingly. • Always speak well of others. 7. TEAMWORK: • Avoid claiming all the credit. • Celebrate other people's wins. • Praise teammates publicly and praise them generously. 8. CONFLICT RESOLUTION: • Avoid arguments and accusations. • Focus on solutions over problems. • Apologize unconditionally when it's your fault. 9. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. • Never act impulsively. • Take a step back when you're upset. • Understand what you're feeling. • Understand the consequences of your actions. • Then proceed accordingly. 10. TIME MANAGEMENT: • Learn to prioritize. • Learn to delegate. • Learn to say no. 11. WORK ETHIC: • Take responsibility for your work. • Always show up and deliver on time. • Always keep your commitments • Never deflect blame on to others.
  • 1️⃣5️⃣ tips on how to start a business without start-up capital: 🗓

    1. Find a partner who will invest money.

    2. Agree with partners on a percentage of profits.

    3. Start with small deals.

    4. Find an investor or business angel.

    5. In any case, you always pay - with labor, time, intelligence.

    6. The best businesses always start without investment.

    7. Consult with someone who started from scratch.

    8. Many businessmen started a business by borrowing small amounts from relatives.

    9. Don't chase big profits right away.

    10. Do not register a legal entity ahead of time.

    11. Take the goods for sale.

    12. Don't even think about taking out a loan.

    13. Do not be shy to negotiate with people.

    14. A business that starts from scratch grows many times faster.

    15. Any business can be started from scratch.

    1️⃣5️⃣ tips on how to start a business without start-up capital: 🗓 1. Find a partner who will invest money. 2. Agree with partners on a percentage of profits. 3. Start with small deals. 4. Find an investor or business angel. 5. In any case, you always pay - with labor, time, intelligence. 6. The best businesses always start without investment. 7. Consult with someone who started from scratch. 8. Many businessmen started a business by borrowing small amounts from relatives. 9. Don't chase big profits right away. 10. Do not register a legal entity ahead of time. 11. Take the goods for sale. 12. Don't even think about taking out a loan. 13. Do not be shy to negotiate with people. 14. A business that starts from scratch grows many times faster. 15. Any business can be started from scratch. 💼
  • 16 simple rules for a quick jump in life.

    Add yourself!

    1. Don't watch TV. Ηnever.

    2. There is such a thing as "Move on no matter what." Try it, it will help.

    3. Did an idea pop into your head? Write down.

    4. Are you running late? Find a way to warn about it.

    5. Don't laugh at other people's dreams.

    6. Don't go back to the people who betrayed you. They don't change.

    7. Spend more time with your parents - the moment when they are gone always comes unexpectedly.

    8. Politeness conquers cities. Use more often.

    9. Learn to admit your mistakes.

    10. Give up the habit of complaining all the time. No one is interested in other people's problems.

    11. Don't spread gossip.

    12. In incomprehensible situations, always go to bed. Also, in any situation, it is useful to remember that "this too shall pass."

    13. Even with a serious rush, do not try to hurt a person for life ... You will make up (most likely), and the words will be remembered for a long time ...

    14. Tell the truth, and then you won't have to memorize anything.

    15. At the beginning of the day, do the most difficult and unpleasant thing.
    When you have done it - the rest of the day you are not overwhelmed by unnecessary thoughts.

    16. NO ONE owes anyone anything. Forget the word "should". Throw it out of the active lexicon. Otherwise, you will really get bogged down in debt, and not only material, but also moral.

    16 simple rules for a quick jump in life. Add yourself! 1. Don't watch TV. Ηnever. 2. There is such a thing as "Move on no matter what." Try it, it will help. 3. Did an idea pop into your head? Write down. 4. Are you running late? Find a way to warn about it. 5. Don't laugh at other people's dreams. 6. Don't go back to the people who betrayed you. They don't change. 7. Spend more time with your parents - the moment when they are gone always comes unexpectedly. 8. Politeness conquers cities. Use more often. 9. Learn to admit your mistakes. 10. Give up the habit of complaining all the time. No one is interested in other people's problems. 11. Don't spread gossip. 12. In incomprehensible situations, always go to bed. Also, in any situation, it is useful to remember that "this too shall pass." 13. Even with a serious rush, do not try to hurt a person for life ... You will make up (most likely), and the words will be remembered for a long time ... 14. Tell the truth, and then you won't have to memorize anything. 15. At the beginning of the day, do the most difficult and unpleasant thing. When you have done it - the rest of the day you are not overwhelmed by unnecessary thoughts. 16. NO ONE owes anyone anything. Forget the word "should". Throw it out of the active lexicon. Otherwise, you will really get bogged down in debt, and not only material, but also moral.