Upgrade to Pro

  • Never lie to yourself

    Poor people compare themselves to broke people so they feel better

    They never compare themselves with winners or with the rich

    And that’s the reason why they always remain poor

    Be aware of your real position and try to improve it instead.
    Never lie to yourself Poor people compare themselves to broke people so they feel better They never compare themselves with winners or with the rich And that’s the reason why they always remain poor Be aware of your real position and try to improve it instead.
  • Some will judge you for changing

    Others will applaud you for improving

    They will celebrate your growth

    Pay close attention to the people around you once you start to succeed

    Seek the envy and fake celebrations

    And then choose who to keep in your circle and who not to.
    Some will judge you for changing Others will applaud you for improving They will celebrate your growth Pay close attention to the people around you once you start to succeed Seek the envy and fake celebrations And then choose who to keep in your circle and who not to.
  • Most of the ladies are
    Not married
    Because they are busy looking
    For husBANK instead of husBAND
    I come in peace
    Most of the ladies 🧑are Not married Because they are busy looking For husBANK instead of husBAND I come in peace 😂😂😂
  • Why is the pastor always saying men will see u and favor u where are the women
    Why is the pastor always saying men will see u and favor u where are the women
  • All september children how are u
    All september children how are u
  • If someone said he love u and he said he dont like your mum
    If someone said he love u and he said he dont like your mum
  • the word madam is derieved from my dame, true or false.
    the word madam is derieved from my dame, true or false.
  • the word madam is derieved from my dame, true or false.
    the word madam is derieved from my dame, true or false.
  • Whoever that has gone miles to see you in pain, may heaven go extra miles to frustrate/ disappoint their efforts by the grace of God.
    Happy new week ✨️
    Whoever that has gone miles to see you in pain, may heaven go extra miles to frustrate/ disappoint their efforts 👌by the grace of God. Happy new week ✨️ ☺️
  • What goes forward and left many behind
    What goes forward and left many behind