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  • “Curiosity is the art of creativity.”

    “Curiosity is the art of creativity.”
  • My Beautiful Angel

    Once upon a time I prayed to God for an angel,
    To enter my life, to make it happy and joyful,

    A few days ago that little angel popped in my womb
    I knew my angel was more beautiful than even the moon.

    The first time she kicked to make me feel her presence,
    I wrapped my arms around my little excrescence

    Today I gave birth to that little piece of love
    She's a piece of my heart, who's purer than a dove.

    The little angel in my arms is sweeter than a marshmallow,
    And she is so beautiful even without a halo.
    My Beautiful Angel Once upon a time I prayed to God for an angel, To enter my life, to make it happy and joyful, A few days ago that little angel popped in my womb I knew my angel was more beautiful than even the moon. The first time she kicked to make me feel her presence, I wrapped my arms around my little excrescence Today I gave birth to that little piece of love She's a piece of my heart, who's purer than a dove. The little angel in my arms is sweeter than a marshmallow, And she is so beautiful even without a halo.
  • I Promise To Love You

    The past nine months of sleepless nights had driven me insane,
    But the sight of something so beautiful made me forget all the pain,

    I feel like God for a moment to have created a life,
    Out of my own flesh and blood, was made my darling child.

    I promise to be the best parent to you my dear,
    For losing you is the only thing now that I ever fear.
    I Promise To Love You The past nine months of sleepless nights had driven me insane, But the sight of something so beautiful made me forget all the pain, I feel like God for a moment to have created a life, Out of my own flesh and blood, was made my darling child. I promise to be the best parent to you my dear, For losing you is the only thing now that I ever fear.
  • Welcome To Baby World

    Welcome to the world of stinky diapers and sleepless nights,
    You now have to concentrate more on your baby than your own life;
    But when you see your baby smile or cuddle next to you,
    It will make it all worth looking forward to.

    They say two is company while three is a group,
    A baby is someone who will make your family complete.
    A little bundle of joy held in your arms with love,
    Is no less than a piece of a star fallen from heaven above.
    Welcome To Baby World Welcome to the world of stinky diapers and sleepless nights, You now have to concentrate more on your baby than your own life; But when you see your baby smile or cuddle next to you, It will make it all worth looking forward to. They say two is company while three is a group, A baby is someone who will make your family complete. A little bundle of joy held in your arms with love, Is no less than a piece of a star fallen from heaven above.
  • Description Of A Baby

    Beauty personified, innocence caged in a human form,
    A sleeping baby is no less than the silence before the storm.
    Noisy as ever, with the chuckle of mischief and love,
    This little moon newly born is purer than even a dove.
    Description Of A Baby Beauty personified, innocence caged in a human form, A sleeping baby is no less than the silence before the storm. Noisy as ever, with the chuckle of mischief and love, This little moon newly born is purer than even a dove.
  • I have no idea what's awaiting me, or what will happen when this all ends. For the moment I know this: there are sick people and they need curing.
    By : Albert Camus
    I have no idea what's awaiting me, or what will happen when this all ends. For the moment I know this: there are sick people and they need curing. By : Albert Camus
  • Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth.
    By : Albert Camus
    Fiction is the lie through which we tell the truth. By : Albert Camus
  • I Will Fight For You

    It does not matter if you're a boy or a girl,
    I will fight with the whole world to treat you well;

    Your tiny little hands and your tender sweet lips,
    Can't wait to see you my dear and feel your kiss;

    My dear child the first time when you begin to speak,
    My heart will be at it's highest possible peak;

    And if you ever fall and hurt yourself,
    I will teach you how to get up and walk myself;

    I will take care of you and make you grow nice and strong,
    So that even when I am gone, you can live life long.
    I Will Fight For You It does not matter if you're a boy or a girl, I will fight with the whole world to treat you well; Your tiny little hands and your tender sweet lips, Can't wait to see you my dear and feel your kiss; My dear child the first time when you begin to speak, My heart will be at it's highest possible peak; And if you ever fall and hurt yourself, I will teach you how to get up and walk myself; I will take care of you and make you grow nice and strong, So that even when I am gone, you can live life long.
  • Man is always prey to his truths. Once he has admitted them, he cannot free himself from them.
    By : Albert Camus
    Man is always prey to his truths. Once he has admitted them, he cannot free himself from them. By : Albert Camus
  • It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners.
    By : Albert Camus
    It is the job of thinking people not to be on the side of the executioners. By : Albert Camus