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  • When you need an urgent answer from God,just give him that David's dance non stop
    When you need an urgent answer from God,just give him that David's dance non stop
  • At age 15, your crime should be stealing meat from the pot, using your parents money to play PS2, going from school to football field on Friday and coming home dirty.

    Rape and attempted murder? E lo yegi fun.
    At age 15, your crime should be stealing meat from the pot, using your parents money to play PS2, going from school to football field on Friday and coming home dirty. Rape and attempted murder? E lo yegi fun.
  • If you are not scared, I am. The way 15, 16, 17 year old boys want to make money sharp sharp these days is alarming.

    These boys don’t mention Toyota and Honda, it’s always Benz Benz Benz. I’m really scared.
    If you are not scared, I am. The way 15, 16, 17 year old boys want to make money sharp sharp these days is alarming. These boys don’t mention Toyota and Honda, it’s always Benz Benz Benz. I’m really scared.
  • Rihanna became a millionaire with her main job, music, and became a billionaire with her side hustle, make-up, fashion, and scents. Learn from her. Do not just be satisfied with your main job. Anything can happen to that hustle. You can be fired. The business can go under. Or you become too ill to work. Pivot into a side hustle. If you are a banker, set up your own microfinance bank. And when your bank denies credible people loans, step in and fill the vacuum. If you are a civil servant, offer to drive your colleagues to and from work in a carpool and charge them. You only have one life. Maximise your opportunities before it is over
    Rihanna became a millionaire with her main job, music, and became a billionaire with her side hustle, make-up, fashion, and scents. Learn from her. Do not just be satisfied with your main job. Anything can happen to that hustle. You can be fired. The business can go under. Or you become too ill to work. Pivot into a side hustle. If you are a banker, set up your own microfinance bank. And when your bank denies credible people loans, step in and fill the vacuum. If you are a civil servant, offer to drive your colleagues to and from work in a carpool and charge them. You only have one life. Maximise your opportunities before it is over
  • Nobody actually loves you like your grandma from your mom's side, realest and purest love icl
    Nobody actually loves you like your grandma from your mom's side, realest and purest love icl