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  • Here are seven practical hacks inspired by "Same as Ever" by Morgan Housel:

    1. Cultivate a Long-Term Mindset: Focus on long-term goals rather than short-term gains. Emphasize patience and persistence in your decision-making, whether in investing, career, or personal growth.

    2. Understand the Power of Compounding: Recognize that small, consistent actions can lead to significant results over time. Whether it’s saving, learning, or building relationships, incremental progress compounds into substantial outcomes.

    3. Embrace Uncertainty: Accept that uncertainty is a part of life and investing. Develop a flexible mindset that allows you to adapt to changing circumstances instead of seeking absolute certainty in your decisions.

    4. Prioritize Financial Independence: Focus on building financial independence over wealth accumulation. This means saving and investing wisely to create options and freedom in your life, rather than chasing status or material possessions.

    5. Learn from History: Study historical patterns and behaviors to inform your decisions. Understanding past trends can provide insights into current situations and help you make better choices moving forward.

    6. Avoid Herd Mentality: Resist the temptation to follow the crowd in financial or personal decisions. Develop your own criteria for decision-making based on your values and goals rather than external pressures.

    7. Cultivate Gratitude and Contentment: Practice gratitude for what you have rather than constantly seeking more. Recognizing and appreciating your current situation can lead to greater satisfaction and reduce the urge for unnecessary comparisons.

    These hacks from "Same as Ever" highlight the importance of a long-term perspective, adaptability, and self-awareness in achieving personal and financial success.

    BOOK: https://amzn.to/3MxIwZJ

    you can get the Audiobook for FREE when you register for Audible Membership through the same link above.
    Here are seven practical hacks inspired by "Same as Ever" by Morgan Housel: 1. Cultivate a Long-Term Mindset: Focus on long-term goals rather than short-term gains. Emphasize patience and persistence in your decision-making, whether in investing, career, or personal growth. 2. Understand the Power of Compounding: Recognize that small, consistent actions can lead to significant results over time. Whether it’s saving, learning, or building relationships, incremental progress compounds into substantial outcomes. 3. Embrace Uncertainty: Accept that uncertainty is a part of life and investing. Develop a flexible mindset that allows you to adapt to changing circumstances instead of seeking absolute certainty in your decisions. 4. Prioritize Financial Independence: Focus on building financial independence over wealth accumulation. This means saving and investing wisely to create options and freedom in your life, rather than chasing status or material possessions. 5. Learn from History: Study historical patterns and behaviors to inform your decisions. Understanding past trends can provide insights into current situations and help you make better choices moving forward. 6. Avoid Herd Mentality: Resist the temptation to follow the crowd in financial or personal decisions. Develop your own criteria for decision-making based on your values and goals rather than external pressures. 7. Cultivate Gratitude and Contentment: Practice gratitude for what you have rather than constantly seeking more. Recognizing and appreciating your current situation can lead to greater satisfaction and reduce the urge for unnecessary comparisons. These hacks from "Same as Ever" highlight the importance of a long-term perspective, adaptability, and self-awareness in achieving personal and financial success. BOOK: https://amzn.to/3MxIwZJ you can get the Audiobook for FREE when you register for Audible Membership through the same link above.

  • "Do you know the country Nigeria? I'm the KING of Nigeria," ~ Davido tells his fans in France

    While walking on the streets of France, a fan approached him claiming to be the prince of Saudi Arabia. Without hesitation, Davido responded, saying he's the king of his own country, Nigeria.
    🚨🚨🚨 "Do you know the country Nigeria? I'm the KING of Nigeria," ~ Davido tells his fans in France👀💖💖💖 While walking on the streets of France, a fan approached him claiming to be the prince of Saudi Arabia. Without hesitation, Davido responded, saying he's the king of his own country, Nigeria. #vairal2024
  • It's the weekend already..
    Where are you spending your weekend?
    It's the weekend already.. Where are you spending your weekend?
  • Here are 7 lessons from the book "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion" by Jonathan Haidt

    1. Haidt introduces Moral Foundations Theory, which suggests that there are several innate moral foundations or principles that shape human morality. These include care/harm, fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion, sanctity/degradation, and liberty/oppression.

    2. The book argues that much of our moral reasoning is intuitive rather than rational. Our moral judgments often stem from gut feelings and emotional reactions rather than conscious deliberation.

    3. Haidt proposes that different cultures and individuals prioritize these moral foundations differently, leading to moral diversity and sometimes moral conflicts. Understanding these differences can help bridge ideological divides.

    4. Emotions play a significant role in shaping our moral judgments and decisions. Haidt explores how emotions such as disgust, empathy, and loyalty influence our moral reasoning.

    5. Understanding the evolutionary origins of morality provides insights into why certain moral principles resonate with people.

    6. Haidt examines the factors contributing to political polarization, emphasizing how differences in moral foundations and moral intuitions can lead to ideological divisions.

    7. The book explores how confirmation bias—our tendency to seek and interpret information that confirms our existing beliefs—affects moral reasoning and reinforces ideological polarization.
    Here are 7 lessons from the book "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion" by Jonathan Haidt 1. Haidt introduces Moral Foundations Theory, which suggests that there are several innate moral foundations or principles that shape human morality. These include care/harm, fairness/cheating, loyalty/betrayal, authority/subversion, sanctity/degradation, and liberty/oppression. 2. The book argues that much of our moral reasoning is intuitive rather than rational. Our moral judgments often stem from gut feelings and emotional reactions rather than conscious deliberation. 3. Haidt proposes that different cultures and individuals prioritize these moral foundations differently, leading to moral diversity and sometimes moral conflicts. Understanding these differences can help bridge ideological divides. 4. Emotions play a significant role in shaping our moral judgments and decisions. Haidt explores how emotions such as disgust, empathy, and loyalty influence our moral reasoning. 5. Understanding the evolutionary origins of morality provides insights into why certain moral principles resonate with people. 6. Haidt examines the factors contributing to political polarization, emphasizing how differences in moral foundations and moral intuitions can lead to ideological divisions. 7. The book explores how confirmation bias—our tendency to seek and interpret information that confirms our existing beliefs—affects moral reasoning and reinforces ideological polarization.
  • Money given to u with deliberate disrespect should be rejected, no matter the amount; It brings more disrespect
    Money given to u with deliberate disrespect should be rejected, no matter the amount; It brings more disrespect
  • That was how dangote sent me 10M to my Opay account
    Without telling me first after I already told him
    I don’t like surprises
    I returned it back immediately
    That was so disrespectful
    That was how dangote sent me 10M to my Opay account Without telling me first after I already told him I don’t like surprises I returned it back immediately That was so disrespectful
  • "The Secrets of Mind Power." By William Walker Atkinson

    The Secret of Success and Other Essential Works, the relationship between thoughts and reality is explained through the concept that our mental state and beliefs significantly influence our experiences and outcomes in life.

    The book posits that thoughts are not merely abstract entities but have the power to shape and manifest our reality.

    Here's a closer look at how the book addresses this relationship and the techniques it recommends:

    Relationship Between Thoughts and Reality

    1. Thoughts Shape Reality: The book argues that our thoughts are a form of energy that influences the world around us. By focusing on positive or negative thoughts, we can attract corresponding experiences into our lives. This concept is rooted in the idea that our mental state creates a "vibration" that interacts with the universe.

    2. Law of Attraction: Central to the book's premise is the Law of Attraction, which suggests that like attracts like. By maintaining positive thoughts and a clear vision of our goals, we attract similar positive circumstances and opportunities. Conversely, negative or fearful thoughts can lead to adverse outcomes.

    3. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: The book discusses how our expectations and beliefs about ourselves and our capabilities often come true because we unconsciously act in ways that make those beliefs a reality. This self-fulfilling prophecy reinforces the idea that controlling our thoughts can lead to desired outcomes.

    Techniques for Harnessing the Power of Thought

    1. Visualization: The book recommends using visualization techniques to clearly picture and emotionally engage with the outcomes you wish to achieve. By regularly imagining yourself accomplishing your goals, you strengthen your belief in their possibility and increase your chances of manifesting them.

    2. Affirmations: Repeating positive affirmations is suggested as a way to reprogram your subconscious mind. By consistently affirming positive statements about yourself and your desires, you reinforce a positive mindset and attract favorable circumstances.

    3. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation helps you become aware of your thoughts and their impact. The book advocates for regular meditation to clear your mind, focus on positive intentions, and align your mental state with your goals.

    4. Goal Setting: Setting clear and specific goals is another technique emphasized in the book. By defining what you want and visualizing the steps to achieve it, you create a roadmap for turning your thoughts into reality.

    5. Gratitude Practice: Expressing gratitude for what you have and for the progress you make can enhance your positive thinking and attract more abundance. The book suggests that a gratitude practice shifts your focus from lack to abundance, further aligning your thoughts with positive outcomes.

    By understanding and applying these techniques, the book asserts that individuals can harness the power of their thoughts to transform their reality and achieve success.

    Book: https://amzn.to/4gaHVKR
    "The Secrets of Mind Power." By William Walker Atkinson The Secret of Success and Other Essential Works, the relationship between thoughts and reality is explained through the concept that our mental state and beliefs significantly influence our experiences and outcomes in life. The book posits that thoughts are not merely abstract entities but have the power to shape and manifest our reality. Here's a closer look at how the book addresses this relationship and the techniques it recommends: Relationship Between Thoughts and Reality 1. Thoughts Shape Reality: The book argues that our thoughts are a form of energy that influences the world around us. By focusing on positive or negative thoughts, we can attract corresponding experiences into our lives. This concept is rooted in the idea that our mental state creates a "vibration" that interacts with the universe. 2. Law of Attraction: Central to the book's premise is the Law of Attraction, which suggests that like attracts like. By maintaining positive thoughts and a clear vision of our goals, we attract similar positive circumstances and opportunities. Conversely, negative or fearful thoughts can lead to adverse outcomes. 3. Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: The book discusses how our expectations and beliefs about ourselves and our capabilities often come true because we unconsciously act in ways that make those beliefs a reality. This self-fulfilling prophecy reinforces the idea that controlling our thoughts can lead to desired outcomes. Techniques for Harnessing the Power of Thought 1. Visualization: The book recommends using visualization techniques to clearly picture and emotionally engage with the outcomes you wish to achieve. By regularly imagining yourself accomplishing your goals, you strengthen your belief in their possibility and increase your chances of manifesting them. 2. Affirmations: Repeating positive affirmations is suggested as a way to reprogram your subconscious mind. By consistently affirming positive statements about yourself and your desires, you reinforce a positive mindset and attract favorable circumstances. 3. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practicing mindfulness and meditation helps you become aware of your thoughts and their impact. The book advocates for regular meditation to clear your mind, focus on positive intentions, and align your mental state with your goals. 4. Goal Setting: Setting clear and specific goals is another technique emphasized in the book. By defining what you want and visualizing the steps to achieve it, you create a roadmap for turning your thoughts into reality. 5. Gratitude Practice: Expressing gratitude for what you have and for the progress you make can enhance your positive thinking and attract more abundance. The book suggests that a gratitude practice shifts your focus from lack to abundance, further aligning your thoughts with positive outcomes. By understanding and applying these techniques, the book asserts that individuals can harness the power of their thoughts to transform their reality and achieve success. Book: https://amzn.to/4gaHVKR
  • "Why Won't You Apologize?: Healing Big Betrayals and Everyday Hurts" by Harriet Lerner delves into the complexities of apologies, exploring why they are often difficult to give and receive. Lerner, a clinical psychologist, offers insights into the psychology behind apologies and provides practical advice for fostering healing and connection. Here are ten key lessons and insights from the book:

    1. The Importance of Apologizing: Lerner emphasizes that a genuine apology can be a powerful tool for healing relationships and restoring trust. She underscores that apologies are not just about saying "I'm sorry"; they are about acknowledging harm, taking responsibility, and expressing a desire to make amends.

    2. Understanding the Psychology of Apologies: The book explores the psychological barriers that prevent people from apologizing, such as fear of vulnerability, shame, and defensiveness. Lerner discusses how these emotions can lead to avoidance, making it crucial to understand the underlying reasons for one's reluctance to apologize.

    3. The Components of a Genuine Apology: Lerner outlines the essential elements of an effective apology, including acknowledging what was done wrong, expressing remorse, taking responsibility, and outlining steps to prevent a recurrence. Each component plays a critical role in conveying sincerity and fostering healing.

    4. The Role of Empathy: Empathy is a cornerstone of effective apologizing. Lerner highlights the importance of understanding the impact of one’s actions on others and recognizing their feelings. This empathetic approach allows individuals to connect with those they have harmed and facilitates a more genuine apology.

    5. Apologies Are Not Just About Regret: Lerner explains that simply feeling regret is not enough; an apology must go beyond emotions to include actionable steps toward amends. She emphasizes that taking responsibility and committing to change are crucial for the apology to be meaningful.

    6. The Power of Listening: Listening is an essential aspect of the apology process. Lerner encourages individuals to listen actively to the feelings and perspectives of those they have hurt. This practice not only validates the other person's experience but also helps the apologizer understand the full impact of their actions.

    7. Navigating Non-Apologies: Lerner discusses the phenomenon of non-apologies, where individuals offer insincere or vague statements that do not fulfill the true purpose of an apology. She provides guidance on recognizing these non-apologies and understanding their impact on relationships.

    8. Healing from Betrayal: The book addresses the complexities of healing after significant betrayals. Lerner emphasizes that while apologies can be a starting point for healing, they must be accompanied by genuine remorse and a commitment to change for true reconciliation to occur.

    9. The Role of Boundaries: Lerner underscores the importance of setting and maintaining boundaries in relationships, especially when it comes to the apology process. She suggests that individuals have the right to determine how they respond to apologies and to protect themselves from repeated harm.

    10. Apologizing as a Lifelong Skill: Finally, Lerner frames apologizing as a skill that requires practice and self-reflection. She encourages readers to view apologies as opportunities for growth and connection rather than signs of weakness. Developing this skill can enhance personal relationships and foster healthier interactions with others.

    "Why Won't You Apologize?" by Harriet Lerner provides a comprehensive exploration of the dynamics of apologies and their significance in healing relationships. Through understanding the psychology behind apologies, recognizing the components of a genuine apology, and cultivating empathy, readers can learn to navigate the challenges of apologizing and enhance their emotional connections with others. The book serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their relationship skills and foster meaningful connections.

    Book: https://amzn.to/4cWU4R1

    You can get the audiobook for FREE by using the same link above when you register on the Audible platform.
    "Why Won't You Apologize?: Healing Big Betrayals and Everyday Hurts" by Harriet Lerner delves into the complexities of apologies, exploring why they are often difficult to give and receive. Lerner, a clinical psychologist, offers insights into the psychology behind apologies and provides practical advice for fostering healing and connection. Here are ten key lessons and insights from the book: 1. The Importance of Apologizing: Lerner emphasizes that a genuine apology can be a powerful tool for healing relationships and restoring trust. She underscores that apologies are not just about saying "I'm sorry"; they are about acknowledging harm, taking responsibility, and expressing a desire to make amends. 2. Understanding the Psychology of Apologies: The book explores the psychological barriers that prevent people from apologizing, such as fear of vulnerability, shame, and defensiveness. Lerner discusses how these emotions can lead to avoidance, making it crucial to understand the underlying reasons for one's reluctance to apologize. 3. The Components of a Genuine Apology: Lerner outlines the essential elements of an effective apology, including acknowledging what was done wrong, expressing remorse, taking responsibility, and outlining steps to prevent a recurrence. Each component plays a critical role in conveying sincerity and fostering healing. 4. The Role of Empathy: Empathy is a cornerstone of effective apologizing. Lerner highlights the importance of understanding the impact of one’s actions on others and recognizing their feelings. This empathetic approach allows individuals to connect with those they have harmed and facilitates a more genuine apology. 5. Apologies Are Not Just About Regret: Lerner explains that simply feeling regret is not enough; an apology must go beyond emotions to include actionable steps toward amends. She emphasizes that taking responsibility and committing to change are crucial for the apology to be meaningful. 6. The Power of Listening: Listening is an essential aspect of the apology process. Lerner encourages individuals to listen actively to the feelings and perspectives of those they have hurt. This practice not only validates the other person's experience but also helps the apologizer understand the full impact of their actions. 7. Navigating Non-Apologies: Lerner discusses the phenomenon of non-apologies, where individuals offer insincere or vague statements that do not fulfill the true purpose of an apology. She provides guidance on recognizing these non-apologies and understanding their impact on relationships. 8. Healing from Betrayal: The book addresses the complexities of healing after significant betrayals. Lerner emphasizes that while apologies can be a starting point for healing, they must be accompanied by genuine remorse and a commitment to change for true reconciliation to occur. 9. The Role of Boundaries: Lerner underscores the importance of setting and maintaining boundaries in relationships, especially when it comes to the apology process. She suggests that individuals have the right to determine how they respond to apologies and to protect themselves from repeated harm. 10. Apologizing as a Lifelong Skill: Finally, Lerner frames apologizing as a skill that requires practice and self-reflection. She encourages readers to view apologies as opportunities for growth and connection rather than signs of weakness. Developing this skill can enhance personal relationships and foster healthier interactions with others. "Why Won't You Apologize?" by Harriet Lerner provides a comprehensive exploration of the dynamics of apologies and their significance in healing relationships. Through understanding the psychology behind apologies, recognizing the components of a genuine apology, and cultivating empathy, readers can learn to navigate the challenges of apologizing and enhance their emotional connections with others. The book serves as a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their relationship skills and foster meaningful connections. Book: https://amzn.to/4cWU4R1 You can get the audiobook for FREE by using the same link above when you register on the Audible platform.
  • Aku Oungbè Yii ooo

    Emi A Shika

    JAGABAN Kareem
    Aku Oungbè Yii ooo Emi A Shika JAGABAN Kareem 😂
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    Legit.ng - Edo 2024. Big news from the Court of Appeal in...
    Edo 2024. Big news from the Court of Appeal in Abuja. A major decision has just been made that could impact the upcoming Edo State election.